2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

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Technology Showcase: Verint

Originally broadcast Wednesday 26th March at 12:30

Moving from AI Experiments to AI Success in the Contact Centre and Beyond
Hear inspiring success stories from Verint customers who have transformed their operations with AI. Learn how they overcame challenges, achieved efficiencies, and delivered exceptional customer experiences. Discover practical steps to move from AI experiments to tangible successes, and gain insights for your own AI initiatives.

Membership Panel Discussion

Originally broadcast Monday 24th March 2025, 10:30

Membership – The Value of a Professional Community
Talking with members Anglian Water Services, Aviva UKGI and PTSB and discussing how they get value from being part of a professional community and the items that gives them the most value for their teams, organisation and personally

Opening Keynote - Raising Standards

Originally broadcast Monday 24th March 2025, 09:30

The Forum has spent 25 years building a vibrant, future-focused community that embraces change, disrupts complacency, and fuels innovation. As we look ahead to the next 25 years, the challenge isn’t just keeping up—it’s leading the way. Join us on this journey of continuous improvement, where we redefine what’s possible, break through limitations, and shape the future of business excellence.

Learning & Development with The Forum

Originally broadcast Monday 14th October 2024, 13:30

Hear from Chris and Dave, Directors at The Forum as they take you through some of the learning journeys of our members and how our cloud-based Learning Management System is enhancing the learner experience. 

Panel Discussion: Standards Benchmarking

Originally broadcast Monday 14th October 2024, 12:30

Hear from members who have completed the Standards Benchmarking process to understand how they approached the self-assessment process and implemented change from their learning. 45mins

Opening Keynote - Shaping the Future

Originally broadcast Monday 14th October 2024, 10:30

This year we challenged you to Shape Your Future, but is the future already here?

Partnership Perfection: Hear from our associate heroes

Originally broadcast Thursday 4th July, 13:15

Join our Associate Heroes as they share their key ingredients for the perfect partnership

Best Practice Partnerships: Hear from the judges

Originally broadcast Wednesday 3rd July, 10:30

In this session our Partnership Awards Judges will share their highlights from this year's finalists stories. Sharing what has inspired them, and the learning that they have taken from the process

Innovation Winners: Bank of Ireland & TSB

Originally broadcast Wednesday 3rd July, 09:30

Hear from Best Practice in Branch Planning winners Bank of Ireland and the Planning Team of the Year, TSB.

Opening Keynote: How to Learn

Originally broadcast Tuesday 2nd July 09:30

How you can use this week to learn from our members.