One of our members from Lifeplus completed the Capacity Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting box set these are the headline takeaways:
- A small impact in your field can have a good effect higher up in the ranks at board level i.e. matching up with a higher strategic objective
- Planning teams need to collaborate with other areas/organisations, engage stakeholders
- Increase Operational effectiveness - As a team, we have vastly increased our communication channels
- Improve and manage the flow of your data cycle and version control
- Long Term: Financial and Budget Planning – Operational: Drives capacity, scenario planning, and risk
- In the middle of a transformation/plan, the challenges are still there, and targets not being met --> this must lead to evolving the approach to capacity and demand
- Improve the quality of the data, focussing on what/why/how, determine what happened to the customer base
- Demonstrating Value and ROI – benefits achieved, costs avoided, risks avoided