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The Inner Circle Guide to Cloud-Based Contact Centre Solutions

Published on 02 August 2022

The Inner Circle Guide to Cloud-Based Contact Centre Solutions

Modern contact centres are increasingly moving to cloud-based solutions, with more than 75% making full or partial transitions already. Among these contact centres, cloud-based solutions have proved to be technically flexible, scalable and financially beneficial. 

Yet, some contact centres continue to use on-prem solutions, despite growing competitive pressures and the cloud’s business continuity advantages. Why? Their leaders may be unable to find trusted answers to their questions or resources that address lingering concerns about data migration. 

In this report, leading solution providers answer common end-user questions about the cloud. With topics ranging from security and integration to functionality and risk, you’ll learn:

  • How to determine a solution’s security and compliance
  • What you can do to prepare for cloud customisation and implementation
  • How to prove the cloud’s real, long-term ROI
  • What successful cloud implementations have in common and how you can avoid familiar pitfalls

Download the report to get exclusive insight into the future of cloud-based solutions from leading providers. 

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Author: Leanne McNamee

Categories: Library, Partner News

