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The Forum has become an Employee Ownership Trust

Published on 11 January 2024

The Forum has become an Employee Ownership Trust

The Forum has become an Employee Ownership Trust.
This means that Paul Smedley has placed full ownership of The Forum in the hands of an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT), in perpetuity, making us fit for the long-term future.
The purpose of The Forum is to raise standards in customer operations by enabling members of our professional communities to learn, share and innovate.

The company shall be run in accordance with these key principles and values.

  • Be trusted and inclusive as a place for learning and innovation. Help members and our team become outstanding learners and see the value of sharing as a community.
  • Be open and independent, as communities that are diverse and appropriately challenging. This is the key to exposing blind spots and being ready for whatever happens, in a volatile, fast-changing and uncertain world.  
  • Be transformational and bold, bringing our ‘best self’ to our work as professionals. This is how we can shape the future as pioneers, explorers and champions of improvement.

It has been no secret that Founder Paul Smedley has been taking a backseat over the past few years, working closely with CEO Phil Anderson to ensure the long-term sustainability of The Forum. Paul Smedley will join our Board of Directors until June 2024, then help shape the Board of Trustees over the next year.
“I believe that diversity is what will help us face the future with confidence, whatever happens. When we open our minds and our hearts to those who think differently from us, then we gain the gift of their bank of experience. That’s why I have always felt The Forum needs to be truly open and independent. True professionals are pioneers, explorers and champions of improvement. It has been one of the highlights of my life to be involved with many of you in our professional communities. I have learned so much myself, and may you find true satisfaction in developing yourselves as professionals, in community with others.”  Paul Smedley, Founder
Phil Anderson, with Penny Hicks, Dave Vernon and Chris Rainsforth will continue to lead The Forum, along with our Specialists Alison Conaghan, Ian Roberston and Donna Whyman and our support team Isabelle Smith, Marie Ash, Karen Hendrie, Leanne McNamee and Christine Hackney.
“Moving to an employee ownership trust means a seamless transition, it’s very much business as usual. Everything we do, we will keep doing, with the same Forum team on hand to help shape the future and continue raising standards.” Phil Anderson, CEO
As always if you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me by emailing Phil.anderson@theforum.social
Phil & The Forum team

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Author: Leanne McNamee

Categories: Library

