2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

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Partner Article: The Forum - Optimising Healthcare Contact Centre Operations - 4 Ways

In today's day and age, a negative customer experience can make or break an organisation's reputation. Delivering a good customer experience is now pivotal to how customers perceive a brand, and this is only intensified when operating within the healthcare space. 

Alvaria Accelerate ‘22 Virtual Experience

Accelerate ‘22 is the fastest way to access Alvaria resources including updates on the product roadmap, executive perspective thought leadership sessions, tips and tricks, success stories, use cases, company announcements and more.  

Questions to consider for annual leave

As the world reboots after the firm reset of the Pandemic, we have the opportunity to revisit, redefine and reshape how we have done things. 2020 was a strange year, especially for annual leave, as lockdown restrictions changed how we used annual leave and the Government stating leave can be carried over, firmly “kicking the can” down the road, to give us a problem for another day (or year).

Partner Article: Revolutionising CX with Next Generation Cloud Technology

Following the pandemic, the definition of customer experience has been redefined. They expect outstanding service using the channels they prefer (voice, video, text, chat, etc.), with agents who are knowledgeable and empowered to problem-solve quickly. At the same time, work-from-anywhere trends have created new opportunities and challenges in delivering exceptional customer experience.  

Liquorice Consistents – Does somebody at Bassetts not like me?

At our Customer Strategy & Planning Connections conference in Newcastle on 26th April ‘22 we explored probability using Liquorice Allsorts.

Your Moment of Truth: confident to succeed

For our 22nd year, we focus on the opportunity we have, as professionals, to drive successful improvements, whether in planning, insight, or customer experience. This Best Practice theme for 2022 represents the next stage of this coming of age for our professional disciplines.

So, we invite you to consider your moments of truth. What makes you confident to succeed?

Technology Showcase: QStory

Originally broadcast Wednesday 13th April 2022, 12:30

In a live session of Dear Dave, David Preece from QStory will answer real-life questions and show how IDA and QStory’s latest features make Real-Time teams’ lives easier

Keynote: Professionalism & Learning

Originally broadcast Wednesday 13th April 2022, 09:30

Hear from Lucy O'SheaHoist Finance a member of our Leaders of the Future programme, and the Forum team on how to gain the confidence to move ahead and move up. 

Technology Showcase: Calabrio

Originally broadcast Tuesday 12th April 2022, 12:30

Workforce Wellbeing Recovery Toolkit: Practical strategies & resources to turn workforce wellbeing into your competitive advantage with Calabrio.

Partner Article: Optimise Your Contact Centre Workforce with Real Time Intelligent AI Capability at Alvaria

Alvaria, the world leader in enterprise-scale customer experience and workforce engagement management, recently introduced Alvaria Real Time Optimizer, a new cloud application of the Alvaria Workforce Engagement Management Suite that enhances the contact centre agent experience. 
