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Partner Article: 7 tips for transitioning from fixed shifts to optimized schedules

Published on 13 June 2023

Partner Article: 7 tips for transitioning from fixed shifts to optimized schedules

The goal of workforce management (WFM) is to optimize the deployment of the most valuable - and costly - resource in every contact center: the employees. To quote Brad Cleveland,  "WFM is about having the right number of people in the right places at the right times, doing the right things". That won’t happen unless you optimize the shifts of your employees. Yet we often see contact centers using old-fashioned fixed shifts and rotas even when they have a WFM system that enables more sophisticated scheduling. Why does that happen? Why is it a bad idea? And what is the best way to transition from fixed shifts to optimized schedules?

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Author: Chris Dealy, injixo

Originally published on Mar 27, 2023, updated on Jun 07, 2023.

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Author: Leanne McNamee

Categories: Library

