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Free Webinar: How your business can fight back against volatile demand. Sponsored by QStory

Published on 30 September 2021

Free Webinar: How your business can fight back against volatile demand. Sponsored by QStory

Hosted on 30th September 2021

Event date: 30/09/2021 12:00 - 13:00 Export event

Traditional forecast models and techniques have been undermined by changes in customer behaviour as a result of the pandemic which have made demand levels increasingly volatile. Instead of being a cause for concern, is this an opportunity for Planning teams everywhere to change their focus? Is it time that the focus was placed on flexibility and the ability to respond to volatility? In this webinar, David Preece from QStory and Dave Vernon Director at The Forum will discuss the drive for accuracy vs the drive for agility and highlight the key role that Intraday Automation can play in helping planners to adapt to 'the new different'.

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