2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Member Resources & Library

Enjoy a trusted place where you can easily find solutions. See below for a sample of our articles and resources. Register and log in above to see a wider range. Forum Members have access to the full library by logging in. If you see a message that says an article does not exist, try logging in to view it.
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Partner Article: Majority of UK businesses still ill-equipped for a hybrid working future according to new survey

UK businesses are firmly committed to a flexible working future but the majority are still in the planning stage of their hybrid working projects according to a new industry survey of contact centre industry professionals.

Free Webinar: 2023 Best Practice Programme

Watch at your own pace

On the 31st January The Forum will be launching our 2023 best practice programme, which includes: virtual networking, learning from our award finalists, our customer strategy & planning conference, along with the community connection conference later in the year.

For those who follow The Forum, you will know that each year we reframe our thinking with an annual theme.

This year’s theme is designed to frame our thinking around the importance of numbers, people and relationships. When these come together, we are energised to drive action, bring the best out on each other and have the courage to innovate and improve. We are only as strong as the weakest link, fortunately almost 25-years of raising standards means our collective strength and health has never been better.

Join us for another year of improving, growing as a person and professional feel the value of the community.

Free Webinar: How to Turn Customer Conversations into Actionable Insight in partnership with talkdesk

Watch at your own pace

Great insights help brands to strengthen their customer experience and adapt to the needs of their customers. Companies need the right tools to capture more data from conversations since these are a great way to gather insights.
At this webinar you will learn:
 - The 4 attributes of useful conversational insights
 - How to get the data for conversational insights
 - How AI can analyse conversations at scale

Partner Article: Improve Contact Centre Operations with Robotic Process Automation

Alvaria Automate™ Attended and  Alvaria Automate™ Unattended allows centres to optimise normal and repetitive operational activities and automate error-prone tasks through robotic process automation (RPA) —improving accuracy, efficiency and consistency, while helping maintain compliance. 

Community Learning Keynote

Originally broadcast Friday 18th November 2022, 12:30

Hear from a Forum Hero and organisations who have taken a team approach to learning.

eGain Technology Showcase

Originally broadcast Thursday 17th November 2022, 12:30

Join eGain for a discussion on Knowledge Hubs and how to Turbocharge your CX and AX with KX (Knowledge-Guided Experience).

Workshop: Calibration

Originally broadcast Thursday 17th November 2022, 09:30

Calibration is a fundamental necessity of any Quality Assurance, development, and improvement process.  Hear from BPA Quality L&Q.

Davies Technology Showcase

Originally broadcast Wednesday 16th November 2022, 13:15

Tips for the successful selection and procurement of CX Technology CX technology alone rarely delivers the beneficial impact and financial returns promised – as successful adoption needs more than just a great technology solution. Hear from Davies Group.

Verint Technology Showcase

Originally broadcast Tuesday 15th November 2022, 12:30

The Struggle is Real: Insider Tips to Empower Your Remote Agent. Join this insightful and lively fireside between renowned experts Chris Rainsforth of the Forum and Huw JonesWorkforce Management Guru at Verint.

Calabrio Technology Showcase

Originally broadcast Monday 14th November 2022, 12:30

Are your agents empowered to be Brand Guardians? Join Tripti Tapuriah-Modi and David Evans from Calabrio who will discussing key findings from Calabrio’s State of the Contact 2022 report and how to treat and empower agents as Brand Guardians.
