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Partner Article: Gamification Releases Chemical Transmitters That Improve Employee Engagement & Performance at Alvaria

There is no doubt employee engagement has never been a higher business priority—especially for contact centers. The necessity to quickly move from a primarily on-premises to remote workforce due to COVID-19 caught many companies off-guard.

Moment of Truth: Confident to Succeed

Our actions, or inaction, will define us. We are the key to our own success. During 2021 we focused on unlocking opportunities and the part each of us can play in helping to shape the future. For 2022 we want to focus you on your Moment of Truth and being confident to succeed.

Looking back on 2021

2021 was our year for Unlocking Opportunities. Doing more of what we do well is a great opportunity that we don’t always fully exploit. One of the most valuable things we can do is put time aside to reflect on what has gone well. When things go wrong we are quick to review, so that we can learn from our mistakes. We are not so good at learning from our successes. If we can repeat and build on our successes then that has to be a good thing. As we come to the end of 2021 it is time to look back on what we have done well, so that in 2022 we can do it again only better.

Partner Article: Using game mechanics motivates and engages call centre employees seamlessly at Alvaria

Using game mechanics motivates and engages call centre employees seamlessly while aligning employee behaviours to company goals – results in improved employee retention, performance, customer satisfaction and profitability.

Planning for Covid-19 Series 3: Part 3, shaping the future

Hosted by Phil Anderson

There feels to be an endless list of challenges, from high attrition, unpredictable customer demand and pressure to deliver against old targets, so how can we lift our heads out of the detail and think strategically? This live webinar will look at practical ways of keeping one eye on today, with another on the future, helping you to gain confidence with your forecasting as you shape the future.
 - Understand the top challenges and practical ideas to manage these better.
 - Learn engagement techniques to drive understanding and learning.
 - Hear the latest thought leadership from across the industry

Conference Endnote

Originally broadcast Friday 5th November 2021, 09:30

Learn how to invest your time wisely to help you spend time on the things that matter the most. Doing something different on a daily basis.

Technology Showcase: Verint

Originally broadcast Thursday 4th November 2021, 10:30

Learn how Verint’s clients adopted Verint KM to close the gap between ever increasing customer interactions, channels, and expectations, with the same or reducing resource levels. 

Technology Showcase: Intradiem

Originally broadcast Wednesday 3rd November 2021, 14:15

The evolution of workforce management with intelligent automation, hear how this has made a real difference at AXA

Technology Showcase: Machine Learning

Originally broadcast Wednesday 3rd November 2021, 13:15

Getting started with Machine Learning and introduction for analysts

Technology Showcase: Sensée

Originally broadcast Wednesday 3rd November 2021, 12:30

A panel discussion on the tools and processes required to deliver flexible work-from-home options for employees, as well as high productivity, cost savings and great CX
