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Free Webinar: What are brand guardians and why are they important? In partnership with Calabrio

Published on 06 October 2022

Free Webinar: What are brand guardians and why are they important? In partnership with Calabrio

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Event date: 06/10/2022 12:00 - 13:00 Export event

The vast majority of consumers (97%) and contact centre managers (98%) agree that customer service interactions have an impact on customer loyalty.  Today, improving the customer experience (CX) is top of the business agenda and the role of contact centres is transforming – with agents starring as brand guardians. Train agents, and treat them well so they become your greatest assets with the power to influence the overall perception of your organisation, enhance customer loyalty and boost profits.  

Join us for an interactive discussion as we explore the importance of brand guardianship. Pick up a few tips and techniques: 

  • How do you build a culture of brand guardianship?
  • What qualities make a good brand guardian?
  • What can managers do to recruit and nurture their brand saviours?

Sharing the latest research from across the UK, US, DACH, and Nordics, Ed Creasey from Calabrio will look at how agent stress, omnichannel assumptions, and data silos are just some of the factors eroding the brand experience and what you can do today to change that.

State of the Contact Centre report

Download slides from Webinar.

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