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Free Webinar: Create change with a Leap Of Faith – Rising Vibe

Published on 23 June 2023

Free Webinar: Create change with a Leap Of Faith – Rising Vibe

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A Leap Of Faith is an act of believing in or attempting something whose existence or outcome cannot be proven or known.

So much of the work we do with our clients around culture change requires a leap of faith. Without taking action, 'giving it a go', doing something differently or experimenting with a 'new way', NOTHING changes. Let me repeat this NOTHING changes. Yet the majority of human beings need some kind of 'proof' that it will all work out BEFORE they are prepared to take 'that action'.

Many of us expect that simply learning something new is enough to make a difference back in the workplace. The bad news (but not new news) is that this is NOT the case.

'The cost of inaction is far greater than making a mistake' Meister Eckhart

To build confidence we have to do 'the thing' that we are scared to do. To influence more effectively we have to try out that technique we learnt in 'real life'. To know we are safe enough to give the feedback, we have to give the feedback first. To know that we can trust, we have to trust first to find out.

Learn how to create a culture of experimentation, and ultimately transformational change, by supporting and challenging your workforce to take that leap of faith.

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