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Free Webinar: The Rise of Digital Channels and the Challenges they Bring to Workforce Management - Sponsored by NICE

Published on 23 March 2021

Free Webinar: The Rise of Digital Channels and the Challenges they Bring to Workforce Management - Sponsored by NICE

Hosted on 23rd March 2021

Event date: 23/03/2021 14:00 - 15:00 Export event

How people communicate is fundamentally transforming due to the rise in digital channels. These changes include how consumers interact with companies they choose to do business with. For the contact centre, this means challenging long-standing assumptions about contact interactions, how they are measured, and how WFM tools need more sophistication via machine learning to handle the rigors of forecasting and scheduling in a digital channel-driven world.

Some of the takeaways from this session will include:
 - The evolution of digital channels and its impact on customer services
 - Understanding the challenges digital channels present with respect to the WFM process
 - Gain a sense of the considerations to address challenges with digital channels

Bio: Nick Martin is the Product Manager for Scheduling and Reporting within NICE’s IEX WFM solution. He brings more than 7 years of experience in software product management. Additionally, Nick has previously held roles involving multiple business functions with P&L responsibility. Prior to his corporate experience, Nick served as a Military Intelligence Officer in the U.S Army. Nick graduated with a B.S. in Human Factors Engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point. Additionally, Nick earned his M.B.A. from Southern Methodist University and professional certificate in Data Analytics from Cornell University.

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