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The AA CTC Team

2024 Improvement & Quality Awards

The AA significantly improved its service by implementing end-to-end outcomes testing. This approach not only deepened understanding of the customer journey but also heightened regulatory compliance and operational efficiency. Key to success was engaging stakeholders early, fostering collaboration, and driving procedural changes that benefitted both customers and the business. This shift not only enhanced customer experience but also transformed the quality assurance team’s role, promoting a culture of constructive feedback and continuous improvement.

HGS Quality Team

2024 Improvement & Quality Awards

HGS introduced ‘Quality Central’ to revolutionise its quality management across diverse sectors. Facing challenges from manual, siloed processes, the quality team’s deployment of this centralised platform marked a significant shift. Through strategic design, stakeholder engagement, and client-specific implementation, the initiative led to enhanced performance metrics, improved customer satisfaction, and streamlined reporting. This transformation underscores the power of technological integration and strategic planning in optimising organisational efficiency.

Firstsource WFM Academy

2024 Improvement & Quality Awards

Firstsource’s WFM Academy addresses the urgent need for upskilling and reskilling in a tech-evolving corporate world. Through bespoke, technologydriven learning programmes, it aims to bridge the global skill gap, enhancing workforce capabilities. This initiative has successfully uplifted employee skill levels by 16%, demonstrating its effectiveness in aligning with business strategies and fostering a culture of continuous learning. The Academy sets a benchmark in corporate learning, ensuring organisational adaptability and long-term success.

ACCA Quality Team

2024 Improvement & Quality Awards

The ACCA Quality Team have transformed quality for their teams both domestically and internationally. By adopting a nuanced grading system and decentralised management, they tackled operational and cultural differences head-on. They not only harnessed technology for enhanced data analysis but also improved operational efficiency and integration across geographical locations. The outcome was a marked improvement in customer experience, demonstrating adaptability and innovation in educational quality assurance amidst modern challenges, with a strong emphasis on teamwork.

Iain McFarlane at DHL

2024 Planning Awards

Through streamlined processes and a commitment to continuous improvement, Iain achieved significant savings and operational efficiencies. By fostering a culture of learning and embracing challenges, Iain empowered his team to excel and innovate. He exemplifies the potential for personal growth within the organisation, with a focus on operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

Wheatley Housing Planning Team

2024 Planning Awards

Wheatley Housing Planning Team is committed to enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction through collaboration, automation, and strategic planning. Initiatives included streamlined communication, automating payroll processes, and implementing new telephony and WFM solutions. Challenges such as manual transitions and peak season volumes have been addressed with a focus on long-term strategies and cost efficiency. Process improvements have reduced processing times, while integration supports cohesive operations.

Global Continuous Improvement and Collaboration at Worldpay

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

The Continuous Improvement Squad have embedded their approach to drive a culture of innovation and empowerment. Collaborating to help solve problems and prioritise improvements. Supporting colleagues with problem-solving workshops to help build their knowledge and confidence to identify new ideas and implement change. This inspiring case study demonstrates how to embed continuous improvement methodology as business as usual.

Customer Centricity at Water Plus

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

Water Plus, a prominent business water retailer, embarked on a journey to streamline their customer service processes through the implementation of a pod way of working. This case study delves into their innovative approach, challenges faced, and the remarkable outcomes achieved. By prioritising customer-centricity and investing in employee development, they have set a benchmark for excellence in the industry, paving the way for sustained growth and customer satisfaction.

Operational Excellence at Novuna

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

Novuna exemplified the importance of effective team integration and operational efficiency in driving organisational success. Through collaborative efforts, transparent communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement, organisations can navigate challenges and seize opportunities in today’s ever-evolving business landscape.

Empowering Teams through Innovative Workforce Management at Motorway

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

The implementation of the workforce management tool exemplifies Motorway’s commitment to innovation and employee empowerment. Through effective communication, strategic planning, and a flexible approach to change, the team successfully navigated through challenges, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency and fostering a work environment conducive to growth and success.