2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

2022 Community Conference

Our annual face-to-face conference for industry professionals

9th November 2022, Chesford Grange, Warwickshire

The trains strikes planned for 9th November have now been cancelled. There are plenty of free parking spaces at the hotel if you plan to drive.
Specifically designed

This highly-rated event is far more than just a conference

Designed specifically for Planning, Insight and Quality & Customer Experience Professionals. Learn first-hand from practitioners and business leaders who are delivering successful change. Bring new ideas and techniques back into your organisation.
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Conference Agenda

Community Conference

Registration opens
Conference Opening Keynote
Introduction from The Forum Team talking about hot topics from across the industry and the value of membership and accreditation and Opening Keynotes from Lorna Norris, Senior Manager, Strategic Governance at Compare the Market and Zoff Makda, Head of Operational Planning at L&G

More info
Forum Focus
Your chance to meet with other members and spend time in the Expo area. Refreshments will be served.
Join Pete Dunn from BPA Quality for a 20 minute presentation exploring how Contact Centre QA are focused on the wrong things!

More info
Collaboration Discussion
The future of Customer Contact: In this interactive session we will examine how expectations are changing for Customers, Colleagues and Commercial objectives. An interactive session which gives you the chance to speak to around 30 members on a topic of discussion.
Networking Lunch
Forum Focus
Your chance to meet with other members and spend time in the Expo area. Lunch will be served.
Join Graeme and David from NICE, for a 20 minute presentation on The Pyschology of adaptive choice, the challenge of offering our agents choice and empowerment over their schedule.

More info
Forum Focus
Join Ian Chappell from Centrical for a short 20-minute presentation on Reinventing the Wheel: The Agent Experience

More info
The Forum’s Phil Anderson, Chris Rainsforth and Dave Vernon will help you to become a better learner and make your next step as a professional. Also hear from Nick Ashmore, Marketing Director on behalf of our Gold Sponsor QStory.

More info
Your chance to meet with other members and spend time in the Expo area. Refreshments will be served.
Collaboration Discussion
Shaping the future: Being prepared for whatever happens and learning to deal with the random nature of customer operations. An interactive session which gives you the chance to speak to around 30 members on a topic of discussion.

More info
Conference Endnote
Hear from The Forum to wrap up the day and summarise your takeaways.
Conference Agenda

Community Conference

Registration Opens
Conference Opening Keynote
Introduction from The Forum Team talking about hot topics from across the industry and the value of membership and accreditation and Opening Keynotes from Lorna Norris, Senior Manager, Strategic Governance at Compare the Market and Zoff Makda, Head of Operational Planning at L&G. 

Your chance to meet with other members and spend time in the Expo area. Refreshments will be served.
Forum Focus
Join Pete Dunn from BPA Quality for a 20 minute presentation exploring how Contact Centre QA are focused on the wrong things!
Collaboration Discussion
The Future of Customer Contact: In this interactive session we will examine how expectations are changing for Customers, Colleagues and Commercial objectives. An interactive session which gives you the chance to speak to around 30 members on a topic of discussion.

Networking Lunch
Your chance to meet with other members and spend time in the Expo area. Lunch will be served.
Forum Focus
 Join Graeme and David from NICE, for a 20-minute presentation on The Pyschology of adaptive choice, the challenge of offering our agents choice and empowerment over their schedule.
Forum Focus
Join Ian Chappell from Centrical for a short 20-minute presentation on Reinventing the Wheel: The Agent Experience
The Forum’s Phil Anderson, Chris Rainsforth and Dave Vernon will help you to become a better learner and make your next step as a professional. Also hear from David Preece, Solution Consultant on behalf of our Gold Sponsor QStory.

Your chance to meet with other members and spend time in the Expo area. Refreshments will be served.
Collaboration Discussion
Shaping the future: Being prepared for whatever happens and learning to deal with the random nature of customer operations. An interactive session which gives you the chance to speak to around 30 members on a topic of discussion.

Conference Endnote
Hear from The Forum to wrap up the day and summarise your takeaways.


Phil Anderson
The Forum
Ian Chappell
Solutions Consultant
Alison Conaghan
Planning & Insight Specialist
The Forum
Pete Dunn
QCE Specialist
BPA Quality
Graeme Gabriel
WFO Solutions Consultant
David Kay
Portfolio Solutions Consultant
Zoff Makda
Head of Operational Planning
Lorna Norris
Senior Manager, Strategic Governance
Compare the Market
Nick Ashmore
Marketing Director
Chris Rainsforth
The Forum
Ian Robertson
Insight & Quality Specialist
The Forum
Martin Teasdale
BPA Quality
Dave Vernon
The Forum



Chesford Grange, Warwickshire
Please call the hotel direct on 0330 107 1599 to book your accommodation, our negotiated rate expired on 18th October.

The trains strikes planned for 9th November have now been cancelled. There are plenty of free parking spaces at the hotel if you plan to drive.

Prices & Booking

Places are free to members using member places in line with the level of membership. 1 place purchased within a membership gives you a place at both the virtual and face-to-face event. Extra places for each event can be purchased at £625 +VAT for face-to-face and £295 +VAT for virtual.

All paid for places must be settled before the conference begins. A credit card guarantee can be used to hold a place. All bookings are subject to The Forum's normal terms which can be read here. Cancellation does not automatically mean an invoice is no longer payable.

Register Now

Fill in your details to register for the 2022 Community conferences.