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Free Webinar: Winning Employee Engagement In Times Of Uncertainty! with Centrical

Published on 30 June 2022

Free Webinar: Winning Employee Engagement In Times Of Uncertainty! with Centrical

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Event date: 30/06/2022 12:00 - 13:00 Export event

We are operating in very stressful and uncertain times. State of turmoil, the cost of living keeps rising and companies are under pressure as the economy is in turmoil.
How are these issues affecting employees?  Companies continue to hear discontent as employees struggle -- feeling underpaid, undervalued, over-worked, and stressed.
And even with all this uncertainty, companies are still struggling with attracting and retaining quality employees. Therefore, we need to focus on the employee experience more than ever.

On 30 June, join Ian Chappell, Solutions Consultant from Centrical and Chris Rainsforth Director at The Forum for a discussion which will cover:

  • An overview of how companies can create a culture that empowers teams to perform at their best and find purpose and belonging
  • Redefining the employee/manager relationship.
  • What are the keys to unlocking employee success and wellbeing?
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