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Descriptive Statistics

Published on 30 August 2024

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics
In this module we be exploring the Descriptive Statistics tool in excel. We will cover:

  • How to use descriptive statistic
  • How to use the output to better understand your data
  • Alternative ways of calculating

How to Calculate Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is an essential tool for statistical analysis. In this module, we will talk through how to calculate this manually.
Descriptive Statistics Example – Using Averages
In this worked example we will be exploring the pitfalls to avoid when using averages. And when to use Mean, Median & Mode
Descriptive Statistics Example – Understanding your Data
In this module, we are going to look at descriptive statistics in action and explore how we can use this to better understand our data.
Descriptive Statistics Example – Measuring Success
In this module, we are going to look at descriptive statistics in action and explore how we can use this to ensure we are measuring benefits correctly.
Descriptive Statistics Example – Calculating the accuracy of your forecast.
In this module, we are going to look at a use of descriptive statistics that is essential to every organisation, and that is measuring the accuracy of a forecast. Or to put this another way, setting clear expectations around volatility.

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