2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Upcoming Webinars

These webinars are hosted by The Forum or in association with our partners. Register for the upcoming webinars below. New webinars will be added here as they are added to the calendar.

Catch up with past webinars.

By registering for a partner webinar you are consenting to sharing your information with them. If you do not receive joining instructions for a webinar please email events@theforum.social.

Planning for Covid-19 Series 3: Part 3, shaping the future

Hosted by Phil Anderson

There feels to be an endless list of challenges, from high attrition, unpredictable customer demand and pressure to deliver against old targets, so how can we lift our heads out of the detail and think strategically? This live webinar will look at practical ways of keeping one eye on today, with another on the future, helping you to gain confidence with your forecasting as you shape the future.
 - Understand the top challenges and practical ideas to manage these better.
 - Learn engagement techniques to drive understanding and learning.
 - Hear the latest thought leadership from across the industry

Free Webinar: Enabling your business to deliver workforce agility with Anaplan

Hosted 27th January 2022

The ability to attract and retain qualified talent remains a top concern for most business leaders and executives, but these challenges have been compounded by the pandemic, causing shifts in the workplace, people moving between and out of jobs, and rising salaries and wages.

Join our webinar to discover the best way to eliminate siloed planning and foster real-time collaboration across your business functions. Phil Anderson and Anaplan Vice President, HR Practice Rupert Bader will discuss how you can:  

 - Save time and costs by eliminating cumbersome spreadsheets
 - Bring transparency to your workforce and manage key metrics for talent costs
 - Create a comprehensive, up-to-date digital model of your organisation to streamline workforce planning and increase business impact and resilience
 - Drive engagement and collaboration on talent and budget decisions that are aligned with business strategy and priorities

Talent continues to be one of the biggest risks and costs to many organisations today, with all eyes on HR to effectively utilise data to ensure the workforce aligns with objectives for business growth and success. HR and workforce planning must become dynamic, continuous, and an extension of strategic, operational, and financial plans.

Free Webinar The Changing Interdependencies within Contact Centre Stakeholders with NICE Systems

Hosted 3rd February 2022

Customer + Colleague + Corporate - The Changing Interdependencies within Contact Centre Stakeholders

Customer + Colleague + Corporate: Over time, each of these constituent parts of the contact centre ecosystem have traded focus. We are now in an age where colleagues and staff are seen as the key component to success. The "Great Resignation" is being driven by a highly competitive job market, with organisations competing for staff. What can contact centre managers to do combat this?

 - Drive up employee engagement
 - Offer effective development plans for staff
 - Understand and map out the Employee Journey
 - New definition of Hybrid Working
 - What role does WFM play?

Free Webinar: Agent Mental Health: How Behavioural Data Science Can Improve Wellbeing in partnership with Sabio

Hosted on 10th February 2022

Phil Anderson, Director at The Forum will be joined by Scott Budding from Sabio and Phoebe Asquith of People Matter to discuss the importance of monitoring and supporting the mental health of contact centre agents.

This session will focus on how psycho-social research has presented new ways for us to surface tailored insights and understand root causes of poor mental health. 

Free Webinar: Key Industry Trends in 2022 - The 3As

Hosted by Phil Anderson on 17th February 2022

Attrition, Attraction and Absence will be on going challenges during 2022. With a continued uncertainty around COVID and an indecision on what hybrid working really means, a number of problems will be experienced due the “3-A’s”.

  • Understand how to control your attrition and benchmark against the industry.
  • Develop an attraction strategy, helping to develop careers.
  • Learn how to manage absence to reduce the impact of Pandemic related sickness.

Free Webinar: How NatWest has transformed contact centre productivity & adherence whilst improving colleague engagement at scale with QStory

8th March 2022, 12pm

NatWest has been live with QStory, the pioneers of intraday automation for 12 months. The initial roll out was to 2,500 agents in Customer Contact. Other departments rapidly came on board, taking the total deployment to 4,000 agents.
Hear how this implementation has helped to;
 - Deliver the NatWest colleague agenda and associated cultural change
 - Enable the reinvestment of time back into agent professional development and engagement
 - Transform productivity and schedule adherence

Free Webinar: Breakdown to Breakthrough with Rising Vibe

Watch at your own pace

Goals, targets, outcomes and objectives are important. Having a focus and something to aim for is motivating for most people. However according to research 98% of us will die without fulfilling our dreams* and only 8% of people achieve their goals.**
So why is this? Based on our experience working with many individuals, and entire organisations, it’s all about trying to do too much too quickly. Baby stepping might not be as sexy as a quantum leap, however it is a sure way to move forwards.
In this webinar we will explore:
 - The difference between a baby step and a quantum leap
 - The impact of negativity bias on our motivation
 - The 4 steps to define the perfect baby step outcome
 - How to breakdown our barriers to breakthrough and move forwards using the Rising Vibrational Scale
*Wealth Research Group **University of Scranton

Free Webinar: Winning Employee Engagement In Times Of Uncertainty! with Centrical

Watch at your own pace

We are operating in very stressful and uncertain times. State of turmoil, the cost of living keeps rising and companies are under pressure as the economy is in turmoil.
How are these issues affecting employees?  Companies continue to hear discontent as employees struggle -- feeling underpaid, undervalued, over-worked, and stressed.
And even with all this uncertainty, companies are still struggling with attracting and retaining quality employees. Therefore, we need to focus on the employee experience more than ever.

Free Webinar: Learning From Regret from Rising Vibe

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Regret isn’t one of the most celebrated emotions we experience, and many people talk about having ‘no regrets’, and reflecting on it as something that is bad or wrong.

Focusing on the situation that we regret can feel like dragging the weight of the past with us, and this will drain our energy and mean we are less available for life in the present. However, we can choose to move away from past regret by applying what we have learnt from it, and therefore transforming the energy to something more constructive and creative for our future self.

During this session we explore how we can use regret to our advantage by noticing patterns, what human beings tend to regret the most and what we can do about it going forwards.

Free Webinar: The behavioural science of turning insights to action in partnership with Sabio

Watch at your own pace

We are not short of data when it comes to managing contact centres. But how do we best translate data into action? What do we really mean by insights? And how do we embed the right behaviours within our teams? Join this session to learn about the power of people data and how to best drive ownership and change within your teams

Free Webinar:Can Contact Centres ever become an employer of choice? in partnership with QStory

Watch at your own pace

Dave Vernon, Director at The Forum is joined by Nerys Corfield, Injection Consulting & Rhea Hall-Spencer, QStory for a lively and informative chat about why contact centres are failing their agents.
Staff turnover in contact centres is up to double the national average. Their reputation for being inflexible and unrewarding places to work not only has an impact on recruitment and retention but also on customers. Companies need to create environments where agents can thrive, and they need to do it now.
We will discuss how a focus on engagement, enablement and empowerment of agents, supported by technology can be a game-changer for your business.

Free Webinar: More than the Great Resignation in partnership with Davies

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The continued challenge of recruitment and retention is nothing new for the contact centre industry, with increasing levels of staff turnover and the challenge of retaining knowledge. The potential impact on costs, service and customer experience are clear – but what are the underlying reasons for this and what should organisations be doing to tackle this problem head on?
A broad range of initiatives are being adopted, some of which previously may have been restricted to start-up and high-tech organisations. Unfortunately, there isn’t a “one size fits all” silver bullet and the broadening chase for talent means that a range of dimensions needs to be continually reviewed and addressed.

Join Philip Michell, Consulting Director at Davies on the 08 September for The Forum’s webinar, as he reveals insights into the issues and explores the underlying reasons why the “Great Resignation” is impacting contact centre teams disproportionately, and what employers should be doing to address these reasons to return to stability.

Learning from the 2022 Finalists

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Learning from others is at the centre of our ethos. Each year our members share their stories across Planning, Insight, Quality, Knowledge Management, Partnership and Innovation. Learning how other approach challenges along with the solution they choose, as well as don’t choose helps us to make better decision and less mistakes. This webinar will:
 - Showcase the winners from the 2022 Awards and identify key trends and challenges
 - Help you to become more effective in your role
 - Learn how to access over 100 inspiring case studies

Free Webinar: The Power of Mindset from Rising Vibe

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Changing mindset isn't as straight forward as simply telling someone to 'change your mindset', however with some consistent focus and increased self-awareness around our thoughts and feelings, it doesn't have to be as difficult as we might think. 

Free Webinar:‘3 is the magic number’ Top tips for improving your Quality Assurance programme in partnership with BPA Quality

Watch at your own pace

BPA Quality share their Top 3 tips for improving your Quality Assurance programme.  Hear from BPA’s Pete Dunn & Martin Teasdale as they join The Forum’s Chris Rainsforth to discuss three critical ways that will deliver immeasurable improvement to your QA Process. This interactive session will give you new thinking and approaches that you can apply in your organisation today!