2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Strategy Analyst Modules

Understanding the benefits of working at a strategic level. These webinars are designed to help everyone in analytical roles become a more active contributor to their organisation’s strategy, to gain a place at the top table.

Endnote: Personal Development

Originally broadcast Friday 19th May 2023, 12:30

Hear from TSB who have have utilised The Forums's Learning Academy to help develop and grow their teams skills over the last 12 months and how this is going to continue through 2023. Understand techniques they have used to gain buy in and embed a learning ethos.

Technology Showcase: Centrical

2023 Workforce & Global Operation Leader Insights

Originally broadcast Wednesday 17th May 2023, 13:15

2023 Workforce & Global Operation Leader Insights. Centrical recently surveyed over 500 global enterprise operations leaders across industries about the current state of workforce engagement management and how their leadership initiatives tie to company growth goals. The results were astounding!

Interactive Keynote: One Workforce - The Future of Customer Contact?

Verint explore how to engage customers in the right way at the right time by removing role and people silos to increase capacity, flexibility, and agility

Originally broadcast Wednesday 17th May 2023, 12:30

One Workforce. The Future of Customer Contact? Join this fascinating session with Verint as we explore how to engage customers in the right way at the right time by removing role and people silos to increase capacity, flexibility, and agility. 45mins

Interactive Keynote: Does AI really have a place in Quality Assurance?

A discussion with Evaluagent on the ever increasing presence of AI and the place it has in Quality Assurance.

Originally broadcast Tuesday 16th May 2023, 15:15

Join Chris Rainsforth and Chris Mounce from EvaluAgent for a discussion on the ever increasing presence of AI and the place it has in Quality Assurance.

Technology Showcase - NICE

Forecasting and AI working together to drive Accuracy.

Originally broadcast Tuesday 16th May 2023, 13:15

Forecasting and AI working together to drive Accuracy. Join Colin and Graeme from NICE as they will  be demonstrating the role of data and AI in the forecasting process, and how it drives improved accuracy.

Technology Showcase: QStory

Powering Game Changing Contact Centres. QStory will be showing you how to use next level automation to supercharge agent engagement and unlock maximum performance.

Originally broadcast Monday 15th May 2023, 13:15

Powering Game Changing Contact Centres. QStory will be showing you how to use next level automation to supercharge agent engagement and unlock maximum performance.  

Technology Showcase: Sabio

WEM and wellbeing, understanding AX during operational change. Join Sabio's expert team to discover the power of their new and cutting-edge wellbeing technology.

Originally broadcast Monday 15th May 2023, 12:30

WEM and wellbeing, understanding AX during operational change. Join Sabio's expert team to discover the power of their new and cutting-edge wellbeing technology, integrated into the agent desktop and WEM capabilities. This innovative approach provide a systematic view of the impact of the workplace on the employee, as well as practical guidance to promote success.

Keynote: Strength in Numbers

Hear from The Forum team on this year's theme - Strength in Numbers, The Value of Community and what this personally means to them.

Originally broadcast Monday 15th May 2023, 09:30

Hear from The Forum team on this year's theme - Strength in Numbers, The Value of Community and what this personally means to them. This thought provoking session will frame the week of learning that will be available through the rest of the Virtual Conference and challenge you to own your learning.