Forecasting & Analysis Modules

Incorporate all relevant data, using statistical and expert methods to produce the best possible predictions. Further your knowledge about what performs best for your problems.  

Award Winners: Planning Teams

Originally broadcast on Tuesday 2nd July, 14:15

Learn how Real-Time Team of the Year, eBay reintroduced Real-Time globally. Hear from Lloyds Banking Group on how they achieved a Best Practice Shift Review. 

Innovation Winners: Indeed & OVO Energy

Originally broadcast Tuesday 2nd July, 10:30

Learn from overall Innovation of the Year winners, indeed on Leading Global Transformation and OVO Energy talking about their Service Transformation.

Opening Keynote: How to Learn

Originally broadcast Tuesday 2nd July 09:30

How you can use this week to learn from our members. 

Beware of Bias

Bias influences every decision we make, every piece of analysis we do and every conversation we have. And if you are reading this and thinking “not me” then this is an example of the objectivity illusion. This is a tendency for people to believe that they are more objective and less biased than others. 

Operational readiness: managing volatility

Those of you who have seen any of our content around forecasting from the past year will have heard this phrase. The role of any planning or improvement team is to make sure we are ready and prepared. In this article we will be exploring the concept of operational readiness. How do we know, if we are ready for the future.

Partner Article: Calabrio Introduces AI-Driven Bot Analytics to Enhance Quality Management

Calabrio, the workforce performance company, announced its new suite of Bot Analytics tools for Quality Management (QM). Bot Analytics gives contact centres more performance data and insights to streamline and enhance the user experience.  

Calabrio’s Bot Analytics helps monitor and improve the performance and quality of chatbots and voicebots; organising all transcript conversations into topics, simplifying the review process, and making it easier to address issues efficiently.  

Endnote: Shaping the future: supporting your best next actions

Originally broadcast on Friday 17th May, 12:30.

Rounding off the virtual conference and first stage of this year's best practice programme with inspiration, ideas and clear next steps. This endnote will support your learning, and give you takeaway ideas on how to turn this into an action plan. 

Technology Showcase: Business Systems

Originally broadcast on Tuesday 14th May, 13:15

In this session, Business Systems is joined by Zen Internet to discuss Zen’s Workforce Engagement Management transformation journey and how the business has improved employee engagement, customer experience, efficiencies and time savings through the right partnership and Workforce Management solution. 

Technology Showcase: Calabrio

Originally broadcast on Tuesday 14th May, 12:30

Scott Budding from Calabrio reveals the latest Contact Centre trends. Drawing from real-life examples of award-winning Calabrio customers, Scott will showcase CX best practices. 

Technology Showcase: Sabio

Originally broadcast Monday 13th May, 12:30

Even with the best schedule, things often don't go according to plan! Learn how Sabio's Mission Control can compliment your Genesys Cloud solution to support your real-time management process. We'll take you through delivering on-the-fly skill and routing changes, as well as the upcoming 'Dynamic SLA Routing' feature which automatically reskills, based on SLA performance.
