Forecasting & Analysis Modules

Incorporate all relevant data, using statistical and expert methods to produce the best possible predictions. Further your knowledge about what performs best for your problems.  

Technology Showcase: Anaplan

Originally broadcast Monday 28th September 2020, 12:30

Planning for the Workforce of the Future Join Anaplan’s online session to hear how strategic workforce planning can provide much needed agility in the face of digital disruption, financial pressures and turbulent external market factors. During this session we will showcase how to quickly and strategically realign your workforce to shifting skill and resource demands. We will showcase workforce analytics, deploying initiatives to right-size the workforce and reconcile with financial targets, as well as explore capabilities in workforce talent management. Join us to discover how to improve collaboration across thousands of users and how you can realise a 10x return on investment through organisational right-sizing.

Free Webinar: Micro scheduling, peak shaving and split shifts: Innovations in Planning and the homeworking operating model. Sponsored by Sensée

Hosted on 16th July 2020

The switch from bricks & mortar to work-from-home contact centres during the current crisis has posed challenges for IT, HR and Operational Management. But it’s also proven to be hugely beneficial, delivering substantial benefits for organisations and work-life-balance benefits for employees.

In this webinar we examine innovations in Planning and the homeworking operating model - including micro scheduling, peak shaving and split shifts. As well as explaining the meaning of these terms we’ll show how, by applying these innovative techniques to example scenarios, organisations can boost productivity, cut costs and deliver improved work-life-balance.
