Understand key models, theories and tools to simplify your processes and ways of working. Consider the opportunity to improve by applying CI principles to how you plan, schedule and manage resources.
Often facts and data will not get our message across. We need to understand our audience and use emotional engagement techniques to bring our insight to life. In this module we explore some simple emotional engagement techniques to make your communications, presentations and reports more meaningful. We also explore the power of stories in understanding our stakeholders and overcoming their fears and doubts.
Categories: Forecasting & Analysis Recording, MI & Insight Recording, Impactful Professional Recording, Quality & Improvement Recording
Like us our stakeholders have limited time, we rarely read every emails and report we receive end to end, and neither do they. We may have just a few seconds to land our message and get our audience to take action or read on. The pyramid principle is a simple technique to help you structure your communications and reports to quickly answer the “So what?” and land your core message.
Explore effective ways of presenting data in a meaningful, interesting and engaging way. Improve the way you inform and persuade your key stakeholders. - Understand why your existing reports don’t excite or engage your stakeholders - Learn the basics of data visualisation and how to communicate information - Apply “2 key questions” and start the use the tools and resource you need
Categories: Capacity Planning Recording, Forecasting & Analysis Recording, MI & Insight Recording, Impactful Professional Recording, Quality & Improvement Recording
For effective quality and improvement we need review frameworks but these aren’t always as effective as they could be. In this module we explore the principles that will allow you to design and use your frameworks to deliver real value. - Hear about the purpose of review frameworks and the value they can deliver. - See the different types of frameworks we need to deliver sustainable improvement - Learn from some of the most frequently asked questions from our members.
Categories: Quality & Improvement Recording
Learn the role quality and improvement can play in implementing your strategic objectives. Understand the importance of your role and how you can help others. - Hear how a framework can help us drive success - See “The Quality & Improvement Cycle”: step by step - Learn how to transform your impact within your operation
In this module we look at our Strategy Pyramid Model from the perspective of quality and improvement. - Hear how to reduce conflicts within your organisation - See how to give focus where it matters - Learn how to deliver balanced and sustainable value and benefits that support your organisational strategies
Root cause analysis is a core skill for analysts and forecasters but is something that few of us do well. If we want to predict or shape the future it is vital that we understand the past. In this webinar we will explore:
- Why do we need root cause analysis - How do we ensure we are asking the right questions - Common Mistakes - Use of technology to support root cause analysis
Categories: MI & Insight Recording, Quality & Improvement Recording