2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Planning for COVID-19

Webinar Series

Planning for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all of us, the changes and impacts will continue for some time. It’s during times like this when you need you remember that you are part of a community of best practice, so don’t be alone. The Forum is your friendly, safe environment for sharing ideas, top tips and pitfalls to avoid. In this time of uncertainty its important that we collaborate and work together, bringing together ideas and use this time as an opportunity to learn and continue to raise standards. 

 We have designed three short series of learning academy modules, along with a top-tips & pitfalls to avoid for homeworking webinar and then a virtual networking group to help you. Phil Anderson has written an article about some of the considerations you might need to make. 

To view series 1 and 2 you need to log in to the website. Click on My Account at the top right to register or log in. 

Moment of Truth: Confident to Succeed

Published on 15 December 2021

Moment of Truth: Confident to Succeed

The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. The real value, success or effectiveness of something is truly realised by testing or trying it. The moment of true isn’t the appearance or promise of something but the reality and in the case of the pudding the taste.

Our actions, or inaction, will define us. We are the key to our own success. During 2021 we focused on unlocking opportunities and the part each of us can play in helping to shape the future. For 2022 we want to focus you on your Moment of Truth and being confident to succeed. We each have the power to drive change, however this isn’t about being alone but part of a group. It takes a community of best practice to raise a professional. Over the past 12-months, more than ever we have seen how members have used the wider community seek assurance, learn new ways, share ideas and ultimately become more confident to succeed. We have all demonstrated our adaptability and ability to develop and improvement. It’s now time to stand up and make a difference.

“Covid was a moment of truth for many companies.  It made companies call centre models more transparent than ever before” Nick Lane, MD Customer Service, BT EE Plusnet

“Our industry has been waiting and working towards this moment, and now we need developed, knowledgeable and agile professionals to grab hold of this opportunity, for that’s what it is, and lead customer engagement, colleagues development and corporate responsibility to the next generation of contact centres.” Colin Whelan, Head of Workforce Optimisation, Hoist Finance

“The opportunity to influence and shape how we recover and grow from the pandemic, one of the biggest challenges we have faced post wartime and a great opportunity for individuals to step up and help re-shape the new normal.” Paul Milloy, Forefront Executive Council Chair, Intradiem

“I think it’s true for a lot of teams - post pandemic, this is where they find out if their underlying processes and techniques actually WORK; it’s where they and their business decide on what they really want to achieve and how they do it; and it’s also the point where relationships are tested - do you really have influence over your stakeholders’ decisions?” David Preece, Solution Consultant, QStory

We would love to hear what Moment of Truth: Confident to Succeed means to you. Please drop me an email. Phil.anderson@theforum.social

Author: Phil Anderson

Date Published: 15/12/21

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