Best Practice Events & Live Case Studies

We facilitate Live Case Studies and best practice days, to share learning from our Award winners and finalists over the summer months, especially from the Transformation & Innovation Awards. This is another great opportunity to learn about the fantastic things that these organisations have achieved. These are interactive events to allow plenty of time for questions with key stakeholders in the transformation and networking with other delegates focussed on the same challenges. 

As a member, you are not on your own but part of a community with others facing many similar challenges. We are here to help you to make a tangible impact in your organisation and show how developing the capability of each specialist professional function is fundamental to your business.

All Live Case Studies Videos are available to all Forum Members. You will need login to gain access or register if you don't have a login.

 Once logged in they will appear on this page. Click on Read More to view the video.

Free Webinar: Planning for COVID-19, How COVID-19 is impacting business culture, with guest speaker Lou Banks, Rising Vibe

Hosted on 23rd April 2020

Discover the impact of COVID-19 on your business culture and how to enable small shifts to tackle implications on employee mental health. Gain insight into social pain and how COVID-19 is exacerbating this. 

The World Health Organisation have issued advice and guidance on Mental Health Considerations during the COVID-19 Outbreak.

Rising Vibe understand the impact on both employees and leaders at this difficult time. Whether employees are feeling fear around catching the virus or economic implications on their life, or leaders are experiencing stress and anxiety around managing a business or keeping an SME afloat during this time, we are all experiencing some low vibe emotions in this current climate of uncertainty. 

Listen in and find out how you can learn from this and make changes in your business.

Free webinar: How to get out of your own way! Sponsored by Rising Vibe

Hosted on 25th February 2021

Why change doesn’t happen.

“Nothing in life is guaranteed except change, but I guess that could change”- Brent M. Jones

A considerable amount of investment is lost on change projects, change programmes and change initiatives, because barriers to change are rarely explored in enough detail, at individual level.

We need to be dissatisfied enough with where we are, and excited enough about where we’re going, to enable ANY change to happen.

In this webinar we will explore the Rising Vibe change equation which will help you identify and unblock (if you choose to!) your own barriers to change, which will also enable you to help others get out of their own way too.

Free Webinar The Changing Interdependencies within Contact Centre Stakeholders with NICE Systems

Hosted 3rd February 2022

Customer + Colleague + Corporate - The Changing Interdependencies within Contact Centre Stakeholders

Customer + Colleague + Corporate: Over time, each of these constituent parts of the contact centre ecosystem have traded focus. We are now in an age where colleagues and staff are seen as the key component to success. The "Great Resignation" is being driven by a highly competitive job market, with organisations competing for staff. What can contact centre managers to do combat this?

 - Drive up employee engagement
 - Offer effective development plans for staff
 - Understand and map out the Employee Journey
 - New definition of Hybrid Working
 - What role does WFM play?

Free Webinar: Agent Mental Health: How Behavioural Data Science Can Improve Wellbeing in partnership with Sabio

Hosted on 10th February 2022

Phil Anderson, Director at The Forum will be joined by Scott Budding from Sabio and Phoebe Asquith of People Matter to discuss the importance of monitoring and supporting the mental health of contact centre agents.

This session will focus on how psycho-social research has presented new ways for us to surface tailored insights and understand root causes of poor mental health. 

Free Webinar: Breakdown to Breakthrough with Rising Vibe

Watch at your own pace

Goals, targets, outcomes and objectives are important. Having a focus and something to aim for is motivating for most people. However according to research 98% of us will die without fulfilling our dreams* and only 8% of people achieve their goals.**
So why is this? Based on our experience working with many individuals, and entire organisations, it’s all about trying to do too much too quickly. Baby stepping might not be as sexy as a quantum leap, however it is a sure way to move forwards.
In this webinar we will explore:
 - The difference between a baby step and a quantum leap
 - The impact of negativity bias on our motivation
 - The 4 steps to define the perfect baby step outcome
 - How to breakdown our barriers to breakthrough and move forwards using the Rising Vibrational Scale
*Wealth Research Group **University of Scranton

Free Webinar: Winning Employee Engagement In Times Of Uncertainty! with Centrical

Watch at your own pace

We are operating in very stressful and uncertain times. State of turmoil, the cost of living keeps rising and companies are under pressure as the economy is in turmoil.
How are these issues affecting employees?  Companies continue to hear discontent as employees struggle -- feeling underpaid, undervalued, over-worked, and stressed.
And even with all this uncertainty, companies are still struggling with attracting and retaining quality employees. Therefore, we need to focus on the employee experience more than ever.

Free Webinar:Can Contact Centres ever become an employer of choice? in partnership with QStory

Watch at your own pace

Dave Vernon, Director at The Forum is joined by Nerys Corfield, Injection Consulting & Rhea Hall-Spencer, QStory for a lively and informative chat about why contact centres are failing their agents.
Staff turnover in contact centres is up to double the national average. Their reputation for being inflexible and unrewarding places to work not only has an impact on recruitment and retention but also on customers. Companies need to create environments where agents can thrive, and they need to do it now.
We will discuss how a focus on engagement, enablement and empowerment of agents, supported by technology can be a game-changer for your business.

Free Webinar: Learning from the 2022 Finalists

Watch at your own pace

Learning from others is at the centre of our ethos. Each year our members share their stories across Planning, Insight, Quality, Knowledge Management, Partnership and Innovation. Learning how other approach challenges along with the solution they choose, as well as don’t choose helps us to make better decision and less mistakes. This webinar will:
 - Showcase the winners from the 2022 Awards and identify key trends and challenges
 - Help you to become more effective in your role
 - Learn how to access over 100 inspiring case studies

Free Webinar: The Looming Contact Centre Agent Experience Crisis: Understand, Avoid, and Ascend in partnership with eGain

Watch at your own pace

Agent experience (AX) and well-being are among the top priorities in contact centres, but did you know that they are in danger of slipping into a crisis because of the lack of modern knowledge tools in the agent desktop?
At this webinar, you will:
 - Learn from the horse's mouth (i.e., from agents themselves) what they are saying about their experience and how you can avoid the crisis with modern knowledge
 - Review the findings from a unique, agent-only survey, conducted by BenchmarkPortal, a leading contact centre benchmarking organisation
 - Learn what modern knowledge is and what it can do for AX (agent experience) and CX (customer experience). With Modern knowledge, you won't need to train agents endlessly on how to navigate customer conversations or have them read through voluminous documents and figure out an answer when the customer is on the line!

Free Webinar: 2023 Best Practice Programme

Watch at your own pace

On the 31st January The Forum will be launching our 2023 best practice programme, which includes: virtual networking, learning from our award finalists, our customer strategy & planning conference, along with the community connection conference later in the year.

For those who follow The Forum, you will know that each year we reframe our thinking with an annual theme.

This year’s theme is designed to frame our thinking around the importance of numbers, people and relationships. When these come together, we are energised to drive action, bring the best out on each other and have the courage to innovate and improve. We are only as strong as the weakest link, fortunately almost 25-years of raising standards means our collective strength and health has never been better.

Join us for another year of improving, growing as a person and professional feel the value of the community.

Free webinar: Employee Engagement is more than just a fad in partnership with Genesys

Watch at your own pace

Tips to make your customer and employee experience strategy more effective.
Employee Engagement isn’t just a phase, although the recent cost-of-living crisis may have taken the focus away from Covid, businesses that have embraced Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) continue to realise the positive impact on frontline colleagues, see a reduction in employee and customer churn and greater insight into customer journeys, making the operation efficient but not at the cost to the employee. In this session we will hear real life customer stories and industry insight from The Forum and Genesys.
We will discuss and share;
 - The importance on Employee Engagement and the positive benefits it brings – lower attrition, improved performance, lower shrinkage, more profitability, better CX
 - How WEM supports and drives Employee Engagement – native, fully integrated, single pane of glass sharing employee and customer insights reduces technology fatigue for frontline colleagues.
 - Employee Engagement accelerated when Covid hit, new challenges include the current cost-of-living crisis. Organisations, more than ever, need to balance astute commercial decisions on agile technology that continue to offer leading CX and EX.

Free Webinar: Resilience 2.0 - In It Together in partnership with Sabio

Watch at your own pace

Resilience 2.0 - In It Together ... the power of community, identity and control
 - Setting the scene - Agent Experience (AX) in the contact centre today.  The cost of poor agent mental health and the opportunity for change.
 - Resilience as a team sport - the importance of creating an environment where agents can be their best.
 - The power of data in creating this environment - and in driving a systematic approach to wellbeing.
 - Key Takeaways - what can I do today?

As a member, you are not on your own but part of a community with others facing many similar challenges. We are here to help you to make a tangible impact in your organisation and show how developing the capability of each specialist professional function is fundamental to your business.

Book for one of our events to experience our exceptional community or get in touch to talk about how we can help you and your teams to be fully effective in adding value to your business. Email, call 0333 123 5960 or contact any of The Forum team