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Shrinkage (4) - Tiered Shrinkage

Introduction into shrinkage calculations, tiered shrinkage, historical tracking.  Understand the importance of calculating shrinkages so they are optimised for your operation the key differences and impact on your resource requirements

 - What is included in shrinkage?
 - The importance of calculating shrinkage correctly.
 - Which method should you use for planning, budgeting.

This module is part of the Shrinkage Box Set

Shrinkage (3) - Planning & Tracking Shrinkage

Deeper dive into shrinkage, historical tracking, forecasting and incorporating in long and short term planning. Understand the importance of tracking and managing your shrinkages so they are optimised for your staff. Learning outcomes include:

 - How to ensure that you are able to track your shrinkage data across all time horizons: annual, Monthly, Weekly, Daily
 - The benefits of shrinkage categorisation when it comes to successful tracking
 - How the inter-connectedness of Shrinkage categories makes effectively managing shrinkage challenging

This module is part of the Shrinkage Box Set

Shrinkage (2) - The Planning Wheel (Shrinkage)

In this module, you will be introduced to our Planning Wheel, a device for illustrating how 100% of the time spent in your centre is being used.

 - Learn the critical factors of shrinkage management and the pitfalls to avoid
 - Discover the importance of forecasting human behaviour and shrinkage and how you can influence shrinkage through your work
 - Complete an exercise based on your own business to help you to understand the Planning Wheel

This module is part of the Shrinkage Box Set

Shrinkage (1) - Introduction to Shrinkage

Discover what shrinkage is and the correct way to calculate basic shrinkage and tiered (or primary and secondary shrinkage). In this module, you will;

 - Understand the problems caused by incorrectly calculating shrinkage
 - Learn about when it is best to use budget shrinkage targets and when using recent historical data will be to your advantage.
 - See the value of managing shrinkage and the return on investment that it can bring to your business.

This module is part of the Shrinkage Box Set