2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

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Free Webinar: Contact & Call Centres Re-imagined - Planning Flexible Workplace Strategies for the traditionally non-flexible business. Sponsored by Anaplan

Published on 23 September 2021

Free Webinar: Contact & Call Centres Re-imagined - Planning Flexible Workplace Strategies for the traditionally non-flexible business. Sponsored by Anaplan

23rd September 2021, 12:00

Event date: 23/09/2021 12:00 - 13:00 Export event

Remote and hybrid work was historically seen as only for the lucky few, and certainly never for the likes of contact or call centre workers. That all changed when the pandemic sent all non-essential workers around the world home. It not only worked – many businesses saw productivity increases.  Twelve+ months later, with lessons learned, the question on many leaders’ minds for their business critical contact centres, is should we bring them back?

The right decision is not obvious, and must be anchored to the business goals and strategy. We will spend this session sharing approaches and highlighting some of the dependencies and variables to consider as you navigate the future of work for your organisation.

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