Operational Team Leader & Manager Learning Programme

The aim of this learning programme is to support the operational Team Leaders and Managers understand the key dynamic of operational effectiveness and basic planning principles. Focusing on the “Power of 1 & The Shrinkage Wheel”, the difference each person can make to the achievement of organisational objectives, customer outcomes and colleague experience through effective influencing skills. The programme is designed around on-demand virtual learning modules, which can be interacted with over the duration of the programme. To further embed the learning, support sharing of ideas and promote a transformation of understanding - optional virtual tutorial workshops with The Forum specialist team can be added. Prices start at £75 per person.

On successful completion of this programme delegates will become Professionally Accredited at the Foundation Level. 

Descriptive Statistics - Part 2

Following on from Descriptive Statistics Part 1. In this module we look at applying these techniques to real life scenarios, you will receive exercises to complete before we talk you through the solutions.

Introduction to the Insight Cycle

Our best practice framework for data, analytics & insight, has the Scientific method at its heart and draws inspiration from methods that drove success with the planning framework last year. In this module we;   
 - Explore the scientific method
 - Introduce our new insight cycle
 - Share an exercise to identify the gaps and opportunity in your data, analytics and insight processes.

Identifying Opportunities from Patterns & Exceptions

To innovate and be the best that we can we need to identify and exploit the best opportunities not just to improve but also to learn.

In this module we explore,
 - How to find the right opportunities
 - Creating time to learn and improve
 - Striking the right balance between proactive & reactive insight

An Introduction to Accuracy & Confidence

Description: Understand the key statistical considerations that will ensure your conclusions are well founded and can drive confidence. The separate Statistical Confidence box set is an opportunity to drive this further.
Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the Box Set How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Prioritising Opportunities for Improvement

Description: Explore how to focus on the right issues, how to create time to learn and how to balance proactive and reactive work, as analysts. 
: This is a new module intended as part of the Box Set How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Problem Statements & Hypotheses

Description: Using problem statements to generate fruitful hypotheses. Explore how to focus in the right way, becoming clear about the questions and problems you need to address.

Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the introduction to the Box set; How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

The Scientific Method and the Improvement Cycle

Description: Using the Scientific method to drive improvement. In this module we link the scientific method to the three phases of improvement, and get you started on the next of the practical exercises.
: This is a new module intended as part of the Box Set How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

The Scientific Method

Description: The Scientific Method: become a trusted source of information. Understand how to create an operating rhythm for analysis, which builds trust and confidence in your conclusions. This includes the first of our exercises to help you identify gaps and opportunity in your current approaches.
Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the Box Set How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Shaping the Future the 4 Stages of Insight

Description: Shaping the future: the 4 stages of insight. Learn how to move from hindsight to foresight and help prepare our organisations for whatever happens in a fast-changing world.
Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the introduction to the Box set; How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Analysts as Improvement Champions

Description: The role of analysts as improvement champions. Explore the three phases of improvement and identify how you can make the most difference.
Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the introduction to the Box set; How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module