Strategy Analyst Modules

Understanding the benefits of working at a strategic level. These webinars are designed to help everyone in analytical roles become a more active contributor to their organisation’s strategy, to gain a place at the top table.

Published on 04 August 2021

Measures Of Success For Forecasting

The setting of an arbitrary blanket target of say +/-5% forecast accuracy highlights that an organisation does not truly understand the nature of forecasting. Explore the key responsibilities of forecasting and how to take a holistic view when setting measures of success. Learning outcomes include:
 - What does good look like? Explore the key characteristics of an ideal forecast and key considerations to develop understanding and learning.
 - Define your purpose. Understand how forecasting can support your business strategy and impact it can have on customers and colleagues.
 - Creating the right measures. Understand different perspectives and develop a holistic framework of success measures.

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