2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Strategy Analyst Modules

Understanding the benefits of working at a strategic level. These webinars are designed to help everyone in analytical roles become a more active contributor to their organisation’s strategy, to gain a place at the top table.

Free Webinar: Most bad Trustpilot reviews trace back to email, post, and phone. Why is that, and how can Verified Identity Messaging help? in Partnership with Nivo

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Most bad reviews trace back to poor communication, email, phone, and post. Web portals, Omnichannel, and chatbots aren't solving the problem. There is a better way; introducing Verified Identity Messaging... 

In this Webinar, we'll hear from Mat Elliott on lessons from working with over 100 financial services brand about how to solve these problems; we'll cover: 
 - What's at the root of the communications problem 
 - Why is this such a big issue for financial services companies 
 - How truly focusing on making life easy for the customer is key to increasing NPS 
 - The direct benefits case - to cost savings and revenue growth 

Free Webinar: Lessons learnt from managing one of the UK’s largest home-based contact centres with Jet2 Holidays in partnership with QStory

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Join Louise Smith from Jet2 Holidays as she chats to QStory’s Nick Ashmore in this insight-packed 30 minute session
- From surviving to thriving – getting agent wellbeing right in a home working environment 
- Transforming the role of team leaders and creating new support departments
- How to move everyone to home working in 3 days
- Realising they had an absenteeism black hole and how they resolved it

Free webinar: Learn from our award-winning customers with Calabrio

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Calabrio customers swept The 2023 Forum Awards with 8 shortlisted and 4 wins, including the Department for Education and Hoover Candy who both picked up prestigious Planning awards. Join self-confessed WFO enthusiast and expert, Scott Budding, for a lively discussion on best practice from our award-winning customers, and live demonstration of the top capabilities of Calabrio's solution as voted by our users! 

Free Webinar: The Power of Mindset from Rising Vibe

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Changing mindset isn't as straight forward as simply telling someone to 'change your mindset', however with some consistent focus and increased self-awareness around our thoughts and feelings, it doesn't have to be as difficult as we might think. 

Free Webinar: Learning From Regret from Rising Vibe

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Regret isn’t one of the most celebrated emotions we experience, and many people talk about having ‘no regrets’, and reflecting on it as something that is bad or wrong.

Focusing on the situation that we regret can feel like dragging the weight of the past with us, and this will drain our energy and mean we are less available for life in the present. However, we can choose to move away from past regret by applying what we have learnt from it, and therefore transforming the energy to something more constructive and creative for our future self.

During this session we explore how we can use regret to our advantage by noticing patterns, what human beings tend to regret the most and what we can do about it going forwards.

Free Webinar: Key Industry Trends in 2022 - The 3As

Hosted by Phil Anderson on 17th February 2022

Attrition, Attraction and Absence will be on going challenges during 2022. With a continued uncertainty around COVID and an indecision on what hybrid working really means, a number of problems will be experienced due the “3-A’s”.

  • Understand how to control your attrition and benchmark against the industry.
  • Develop an attraction strategy, helping to develop careers.
  • Learn how to manage absence to reduce the impact of Pandemic related sickness.

Free Webinar: Exploring ED&I with a Beginner's Mind from Rising Vibe

How do we start the conversation about this subject in the most helpful way? 

Rising Vibe delivered their first Conversation That Matters event in September 2021 exploring race in the workplace. Check out this fantastic panel conversation with 3 Senior Leaders and Founder Lou Carter. What are the 'stupid' questions?

Free Webinar: A culture is only as strong as its weakest leadership from Rising Vibe

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Your organisation is passionate and committed to creating a high performing culture. You invest in your people, and focus on leadership development to grow both the business and nurture your talent. BUT. All it takes is one leader who is not role modelling, leading by example or walking the walk to blow it up. Unfortunately we are hard-wired to scan for danger and look for threat on a ratio of 5:1. In simple terms this means it takes 5 effective leadership interactions to negate the impact of just one ‘weak’ leadership interaction. 

Free webinar: Facilitation

Hosted on 17th April 2021 by Phil Anderson

Facilitation is a valuable skill for any professional. Learn how you can manage a session so everyone can be share and be heard.

Free Webinar: 2021 Theme & Best Practice Programme Launch

Hosted on 27th Jan 2021 by Phil Anderson

Learn how The Forum can inspire and support you during 2021, making the most of your membership and the community of best practice. 

 - Learn about our theme for 2021 and the context and possibilities for the year ahead
 - Hear the shortlisted finalists for the 2021 Awards as they are announced
 - Find out about our Best Practice programme for 2021 and how to get involved for members and the wider community.