2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Impactful Professional Modules

Learn how to act like the professional you are and develop key influencing and communication skills, with the confidence to move you from job to career. 

The Scientific Method

Shaping the Future the 4 Stages of Insight

Analysts as Improvement Champions

Adding Value as Insight Analysts

Box Set: How to drive improvement with Data & Insight Confirmation

Box Set: Driving improvement with Data & Insight

Watch at your own pace

Description: These modules explore the role of insight analysts, and the scientific method, in shaping decisions, generating measurable improvement, and engaging key stakeholders. The modules include practical exercises to help you identify gaps and opportunity in your current approaches.

Introduction to Shrinkage (TL)

Free Webinar: How to motivate your team without mindreading Sponsored by Rising Vibe

Watch at your own pace

During challenging times, it is very easy to feel the pressure to ‘make other people feel better’. Unfortunately for all of us we can only control what we feel, not how anyone else feels. 

During this webinar we will explore how to challenge and support your team to:
 - Take responsibility to get their own needs met by raising awareness 
 - Take action to get their needs met to enable self-motivation 
 - Recognise how their needs impact their resilience levels 

Join us for this exciting session featuring Lou Banks, Director and Founder of Rising Vibe. Lou wants you to feel better to do better in business. She’s passionate about helping you get to grips with emotion, tackle thoughts and address feelings. Because when this happens it can have a huge impact on business performance.