Impactful Professional Modules

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Box Set: Driving Improvement with MI (Management Information) & Reporting

Published on 24 October 2022

Box Set: Driving Improvement with MI (Management Information) & Reporting

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MI, reports and dashboards are key to the success of any organisation, but are they as effective as they could be. Are they easy to understand, are they focussing on what matters most and are they driving improvement? In this box set we will provide you with ideas and tools that will help you generate improvement and challenge your thinking around topics such as dashboards, operational playbooks, strategy, and target typology.


How do we add value in MI & Reporting?
Explore what people do with the information you provide and the ways in which data can both shape decisions and drive improvement
The Role of Professionals as Improvement Champions
Explore the three phases of improvement and identify how you can make the most difference.
Shaping the Future the 4 Stages of Insight
Learn how to move from hindsight to foresight and help prepare our organisations for whatever happens in a fast-changing world.
Performance Playbooks

The purpose of reports and dashboards is to drive improvement through decisions and actions. But do the readers know what actions to take and when to take them.
In this module we will show you how to create performance playbooks to focus and empower people to act with confidence. Identifying the right actions to take and when to take them.
In the exercise we will be sharing a template to allow you to quickly and easily create your own performance playbooks.
Target Typology
How do you ensure your targets drive the right actions and are not being misunderstood, misinterpreted and misused. In this module;

  • Learn the different target types
  • Understand tolerances & triggers
  • Avoid common mistakes

Prioritising Triggers for Action
Our playbooks can define the right actions to take and the right triggers for action. But when there are lots of actions to take we need to prioritise. In this module we will explore how to create simple priority scores that allow our dashboards to recommend the next best action
The Strategy Pyramid
Before setting targets and goals it is important that these are aligned to strategies that support your organisational goals. In this module;

  • Understand your organisational goals
  • See how to balance your strategies
  • Learn how to align the right metrics and targets to your strategies

In this module we explore how techniques taken from gaming can be used to motivate performance and actions. We will also be sharing some of the pitfalls to avoid.
Data Dictionaries
Clear documentation and structure can help us remove single points of failure, avoid arguments, ensure a single version of the truth and avoid duplicated work. In this module; 

  • See how to create a data dictionary to ensure a single version of the truth
  • Learn techniques to ensure metrics are used to drive the right behaviours
  • Facilitate exception based reporting with agreed triggers

The cost of this mini series including accreditation is great value at £325 + VAT and free for students on our assisted learning pathway.

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