Forecasting & Analysis Modules

Incorporate all relevant data, using statistical and expert methods to produce the best possible predictions. Further your knowledge about what performs best for your problems.  

Business Evolution at OVO Energy

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

OVO Energy epitomised the intricate balance between innovation and transformation, underscored by the team’s dedication to strategic planning, technological advancement, and people-centric growth. The journey towards staying competitive requires strategic planning, agile processes, and a people-centric approach. This case study provides the essence of this journey, highlighting the challenges, strategies, and future vision of a dynamic team.

Empowering Teams through Innovative Workforce Management at Motorway

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

The implementation of the workforce management tool exemplifies Motorway’s commitment to innovation and employee empowerment. Through effective communication, strategic planning, and a flexible approach to change, the team successfully navigated through challenges, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency and fostering a work environment conducive to growth and success.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency at Leeds Bradford Airport

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

In a bid to bolster operational efficiency and foster employee engagement, Leeds Bradford Airport undertook a transformative journey built on core planning principles and operational effectiveness. Through candid discussions and strategic foresight, the team navigated challenges and harnessed opportunities, heralding a new era of organisational resilience and employee empowerment.

Driving global standardisation & the power of effective communication at indeed

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

The integration of the WFM team into operations was hailed as a game changer with tangible value, from strategic support to operational efficiency gains. The transformative power of consistent messaging, stakeholder support, and a clear plan for the future emerged as catalysts for success. By leveraging ‘playbook’ meetings to align resources with forecasted service levels, the team maintained stellar performance amidst challenges.

Firstflex: Collaborative Problem-Solving at Firstsource

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

Innovation isn’t just about groundbreaking ideas; it’s about promoting a culture where every voice is heard, and every challenge is met with collaborative solutions. Firstflex illustrates how it allows team members to engage in various projects based on their interests. Learn how Firstsource developed their own technology in pursuit of sustainability, underscoring the team’s commitment to fostering innovation from within.

Inspiring Personal and Professional Development at eBay

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

Learn how eBay are nurturing personal and professional growth within the team, underlining the organisation’s commitment to continuous improvement and talent development. By prioritising personal and professional growth, eBay is poised to unlock the full potential of its workforce, driving sustained success and organisational resilience in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Operational Readiness

This video is to accompany the article in the 2024 Best Practice Guide: Shaping the Future

How to unlock value in moving to the cloud

In such a complex technology marketplace, how do we make the right strategic choices? Nigel Medforth uncovers how to set yourself up for success with a customer and user-led IT project, and not the other way around.

Keynote: The Value of Community

In this opening keynote, The Forum team members will discuss the importance of community.

Originally broadcast Monday 9th October, 09:30

In this opening keynote, The Forum team members will discuss the importance of community. They will provide practical advice to help you expand your connections within and beyond your organisation.

Are you an employer of choice?

See what contact centre agents are looking for in employers. Filling vacancies used to be easy. Full time? No problem. Temporary staff? Easy. All within 10 miles of the contact centre? Sure. But fast forward to today, and this is no longer the case.