Forecasting & Analysis Modules

Incorporate all relevant data, using statistical and expert methods to produce the best possible predictions. Further your knowledge about what performs best for your problems.  

Navigating the AI Frontier

A roadmap for contact centre innovation

Partner News: Sabio's latest news and resources

Time well spent: planning for annual leave

Annual leave is a frustration for employees, a key challenge for Resource Planners and a bigger hidden problem for organisations than they think.
Read more

Categories: Library

Partner Article: Calabrio Enhances its Innovative AI-driven Business Intelligence Tools

Corresponding 2024 Summer Release free webinar offers in-depth Insights and Interaction Summary product demonstrations 

Endnote: The 2025 Awards

Originally broadcast Thursday 4th July, 14:15

How you can gain recognition for your and your teams work through our Awards. Tips for entering.

Partnership Perfection: Hear from our associate heroes

Originally broadcast Thursday 4th July, 13:15

Join our Associate Heroes as they share their key ingredients for the perfect partnership

Awards Winners: Planning Managers

Originally broadcast Thursday 4th July, 10:30

Managers of the Year; Alex Gold from OVO Energy and Steven Miller at Benenden Health share their stories. 

Award Winners: Quality Teams

Originally broadcast Thursday 4th July, 09:30

Learn from Benenden Health on Continuous Improvement Strategy, The Knowledge Management Team of the Year, Utility Warehouse and our Quality Team of the Year, ACCA.

Award Winners: Quality Individuals

Originally broadcast Wednesday 3rd July, 14:15

Hear from 2024 Quality & Improvement Rising Star, Jess Baldock at DAS, our Knowledge Management Professional, Alexandra Jordan from Zopa and the Quality & Improvement Manager of the Year, Susan Drape-Comyn

Award Winners: Planning Analysts

Originally broadcast Wednesday 3rd July, 13:15

Learn from Analysts of the Year; Michelle Adshead at VitalityHealth and Kristie-Leigh Armstrong from BT Group and our Rising Stars; Lauren Laycock at NFU Mutual and Kirsty Ritchie of Wheatley Housing.
