Forecasting & Analysis Modules

Incorporate all relevant data, using statistical and expert methods to produce the best possible predictions. Further your knowledge about what performs best for your problems.  

Three Ireland Insight Team

2024 Data, Analytics & Insight Awards

The ROI insight team at Three Ireland have utilised Microsoft Power Apps to revamp internal processes and enhance workplace culture. This move aimed at ditching outdated communication methods for a more efficient, engaging approach to reporting. The initiative led to improved operational efficiency, higher employee engagement, and significant cost savings. Power Apps helped automate tasks, saving 900 hours annually and fostering a culture of innovation. Future plans include developing an “Everything App” and integrating AI to further advance their digital efforts.

Sam Collings at OVO Energy

2024 Planning Awards

Sam renewed the approach to recruitment and training. With her approach, the blend of weekend and remote workers has enhanced operational efficiency and relieved pressure on agents whilst improving morale. Embracing social media, they maintained service levels and reduced contact volume, achieving a 70% satisfaction rate and a 33% decrease in queries. Sam’s data analytics have driven continuous improvement, enabling personalised service and proactive customer engagement.

Mark Lincoln at Aviva

2024 Planning Awards

Mark aligned working patterns with demand which led to improved service quality and a 9% increase in queries handled and he was able to recognise nuances between voice and chat scheduling to optimise agent efficiency. By leveraging both experiential knowledge and analytical tools Mark advocates for a blend of instinct and data-driven insights, with an emphasis on the importance of historical data for forecasting.

Empowering Workforce Through Employee Flexibility at hgs

2024 Innovation & Transformation Awards

Creating flexibility and improving work-life-balance is at the heart of this case study. The Planning team have embraced technology to support the  digital first strategy by utilising key features to provide greater flexibility for its people. Empowering people, allowing them to have more control over the working schedules and breaks has also meant removing unnecessary communication and manual tasks, to free the Planning team to add more value.

Operational Readiness

This video is to accompany the article in the 2024 Best Practice Guide: Shaping the Future

Interactive Keynote: AI & Machine Learning

Originally broadcast Wednesday 11th October, 14:30

In this keynote we will be hearing from David Bruce and Alfy Reid from NEA Consulting to explore recent developments in AI, how it's being applied, the risks to consider and what the future might look like.

Interactive Keynote: Uniphore

Originally broadcast Wednesday 11th October, 13:30

Generative AI - Your trusted co-pilot for transformative customer and employee experiences.

Interactive Keynote: Davies

Originally broadcast Monday 9th October, 12:30

Generative AI and the Contact Centre Experience
Join Mark Odlin from Davies as he delves into the transformative power of generative AI in the modern contact centre.

Keynote: The Value of Community

In this opening keynote, The Forum team members will discuss the importance of community.

Originally broadcast Monday 9th October, 09:30

In this opening keynote, The Forum team members will discuss the importance of community. They will provide practical advice to help you expand your connections within and beyond your organisation.

Learning from the 2023 Awards

Watch at your own pace

The Forum is always looking for new and inspirational examples of organisations, teams and people raising standards and this year’s awards again demonstrated best-in-class examples of organisation innovation & transformation. This webinar will help you to learn more about the awards programme, including how to access the 68-short-listed finalists stories and hearing from the judges who supported the programme. As a learning organisation our responsibility is to make learning easy for you, and these award case studies provide practical ideas and solutions alongside their inspiring stories.
The 2024 Awards submission is open now, so why not get involved? Hear from this years participants on what it is like to be a finalist and what is involved in the process, alongside hearing what its like to be a judge.