2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards


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Mark Billingham

Published on 29 October 2019

Mark Billingham

Mark is currently Group Customer Operations Director & COO financial services at The Very Group, the UK’s largest integrated online retailer and financial services business which owns very.co.uk and littlewoods.com, he has had a varied career spanning 15+ years across Operational management, Transformation and Customer Experience. In both 2018 and 2019 the Very Group (Shop Direct) were recognised back to back as industry leading at the European Call Centre awards for their Customer transformation programmes which in just 12 months improved tnps by 70 points, first contact resolution by 22 points and reduced overall customer contact by 30%.

Previously, Mark has been responsible for major customer changes at British Gas and Vodafone, most notably as Customer Experience Director at Vodafone, improving TNPS by 70 points, first contact resolution by 20% points, reducing complaints by 60% and driving a 40% reduction in call volume. While at Vodafone Mark also led the implementation of AI (Tobi) and the growth of Digital Customer Service through webchat and messaging which now makes up over 40% of overall service.

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