2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Managing Assumptions

Understand the need for everyone to realise the importance of managing your assumptions and how targets can drive behaviour

 - Consider the importance of assumptions in your models
 - Ensure understanding of the impact of variances through the day and between people
 - Build your stakeholder engagement

Operating and budget plans

Learn how important it is to define the operating model and then agree the key assumptions to form the budget. See practical examples of budget and operating models and explore the importance of accurate forecasts and agreed assumptions.

 - Understand the key assumptions to start calculating FTE requirement
 - Classic mistakes and pitfalls to avoid
 - Interactive module including Excel Spreadsheet operating model exercise

Forecastable Metrics

In many organisations forecasting is limited to volumes of contacts or work, but we can do so much more. Whether we are forecasters or analysts, applying these techniques to our other metrics can open up a wealth of opportunities for improvement.

- Learn how using forecasting techniques can open up new opportunities in your organisation.
- Hear how innovation awards finalists are putting this into practice

Intro to Advanced Vol & Flex Balancing Mathematics

Understand the benefits of taking a more in-depth view into the volatility of your supply and demand, and flexibility requirements.

- Understand the value of further analysis.
- Learn analysis techniques to measure variance
- Translate this into a practical output for flexibility

Intro to the Planning Cycle

Date TBC

Learn the role planning plays in implementing your strategic objectives.  Understand the importance of your role and how you can help others.
 - Understand how the strategic objective is implemented into a forecasting, scheduling and real-time plan.
 - Learn about the importance of effective data checkpoints, change governance and hand-overs 
 - Play apart in driving continuous improvement and become the nerve-centre of the business

Advanced Vol & Flex Balancing Mathematics

Develop your flexibility offering with deeper analysis of your supply and demand, driving a workforce strategy.

- Understand the scale of volatility
- Engage your stakeholders with advanced analysis
- Use this to drive decisions and develop a workforce strategy

Driving Strategy through Forecasting

Date TBC

This course is part of the 'strategic analyst' series of webinars, designed to help everyone in analytical roles become a more active contributor to their organisation’s strategic narrative.

In this webinar we will explore:

-    What is strategy 

-    Benefits of working at the strategic level 

-    Making sense of your organisational strategy

-    Forecasting with you strategy in mind

-    Influencing strategy through forecasting

1-Day Telling A Story With Numbers Workshop

Date TBC

This one-day training workshop is the opportunity for you to discuss the benefits and implications of different approaches and learn about the critical factors to consider. Use this course to help you determine what approach to develop in your own operation.

  • Be able to display complex data in a simple way
  • Have techniques for emotional engagement
  • Have a clear engagement strategy

Measures of Success for Forecasting

The setting of an arbitrary blanket target of say +/-5% forecast accuracy highlights that an organisation does not truly understand the nature of forecasting. Explore the key responsibilities of forecasting and how to take a holistic view when setting measures of success. Learning outcomes include:

- What does good look like? Explore the key characteristics of an ideal forecast and key considerations to develop understanding and learning.
- Define your purpose. Understand how forecasting can support your business strategy and impact it can have on customers and colleagues.
- Creating the right measures. Understand different perspectives and develop a holistic framework of success measures.

Telling Stories with numbers

In this webinar we explore techniques for presenting and communicating data to support turning insight into action.  These include:

- The Pyramid Principle
- Emotional Engagement
- The Pattern of Great Presentations