2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Measures of Success for Real Time

Understand how to create the right measures to track and develop your real time effectiveness. Learn how to create the right process, aligned to your strategy and how to take a holistic view when setting measures of success.  Learning outcomes include:
 - What does good look like? Explore the key characteristics of an ideal real time function and key considerations to develop understanding and learning.
 - Define your purpose. Understand how real-time planning can support your business strategy and impact it can have on customers and colleagues.
 - Creating the right measures. Understand different perspectives and develop a holistic framework of success measures

Using RAG Models to Take Action

Hosted on 5th July 2019 By Phil Anderson

Understanding how to create effective thresholds to really drive improvement through easy to understanding Red, Amber and Green status.  This module will explore classic mistakes and top tips to improve how you communicate numbers:
 - The purpose of Red, Amber and Green status
 - Mistakes to avoid
 - Top tips, new techniques and tried and tested examples

The Strategy Pyramid

Before setting targets and goals it is important that these are aligned to strategies that support your organisational goals. In this module;
 - Understand your organisational goals
 - See how to balance your strategies
 - Learn how to align the right metrics and targets to your strategies

Shrinkage Calculations

Introduction into shrinkage calculations, tiered shrinkage, historical tracking.  Understand the importance of calculating shrinkages so they are optimised for your operation the key differences and impact on your resource requirements
 - What is included in shrinkage?
 - The importance of calculating shrinkage correctly.
 - Which method should you use for planning, budgeting.

Threshold & Contingencies

Drive decisions and continuous improvement by building effectives RAG status trigger for actions, which engage the operation and improve performance. This module follows the “Using RAG models to take action”.
 - Learn how to set appropriate thresholds for in-day reporting
 - Understand different ways of engaging the operation
 - Create a learning mechanism to drive continuous improvement

Intro to The Planning Cycle

Learn the role planning plays in implementing your strategic objectives.  Understand the importance of your role and how you can help others.
 - Understand how the strategic objective is implemented into a forecasting, scheduling and real-time plan.
 - Learn about the importance of effective data checkpoints, change governance and hand-overs
 - Play a part in driving continuous improvement and become the nerve-centre of the business

Volatility and Flex in Real Time

Hosted on 11th June 2020 by David Preece

Develop a deeper understanding of your supply and demand intraday profiles to understand how much flexibility you have and need.
 - Understand how to measure the variability of intraday profiles
 - Learn how to create triggers for action to flex your staff
 - Improve your operational readiness to become more effective

Shrinkage (3b) - Planning & Tracking Shrinkage Exercise

Hosted on 6th July 2020 by David Preece

Deeper dive into shrinkage, historical tracking, forecasting and incorporating in long and short term planning. Understand the importance of tracking and managing your shrinkages so they are optimised for your staff. Learning outcomes include:

 - How to ensure that you are able to track your shrinkage data across all time horizons: annual, Monthly, Weekly, Daily
 - The benefits of shrinkage categorisation when it comes to successful tracking
 - How the inter-connectedness of Shrinkage categories makes effectively managing shrinkage challenging

This module is part of the Shrinkage Box Set

Introduction To Real-time

This module provides an introductory understanding of:
- the fundamental inputs and outputs of Real-Time processes.
- the role of Real-Time Planning within the planning cycle 
- the characteristics of best in class Real-Time teams as evidenced through The Forum's standards benchmarking programme

The Power of One

Teamwork and understanding the plan are critical to achieve strategic objectives.  However, too often this is left to chance and not an embedded behaviour. So easy to get wrong, fortunately easy to improve. This module will help you to:  

 - Understand the “power-of-one” and the impact of small changes.
 - Improve your on-the-day decision making and see the result for your customers and colleagues.
 - Learn the classic mistakes and how to overcome these