Partner Directory

Published on 06 September 2024

The Listening Collective

The Listening Collective
Contact: Dawn Wray
Coaching. By Therapists
Organisations Grow, when People Grow.
Our coaches are training in Psychotherapy, they support individuals to understand themselves and their situations.
And when individuals thrive their organisations thrive.
Listen to yourself – Nobody can grow you. Which is why listening to yourself and being heard is so vital. We work with people courageous enough to get under the hood of their own processes, so we can solve problems and so our problems can solve us.
Navigate Uncertainty – the world is increasingly uncertain, and this has an impact on all of us. Feel the impact of having a trained professional give you time and space, and the effect of truly being heard.
Make work meaningful – Good coaching and therapy enables us to grow in ways that brings deep meaning to our lives. This includes work. Typically we spend 8000 houts of our life at work. Great coaching is a good investment.
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