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The role of contact centre agents has become more challenging and stressful, especially with more complex and emotive queries. It’s natural to want to help someone in distress. Yet, this can lead to advisers overstepping training, offering personal advice, emotional exhaustion, and derailed calls.
Contact centre agents today face increased stress, with 96% reporting stress weekly in 2021. The challenges of remote work have further compounded the issue, leading to a notable rise in anxiety levels and the "Great Resignation" trend in the UK. As agents leave their jobs, the primary reasons include dissatisfaction with their role, limited career progression, and inadequate pay. Interestingly, pay hikes alone aren't the solution, as employee engagement, influenced by cultural and non-monetary factors, plays a crucial role in retention.
With years of award-winning work, NSN has established the UK’s top vetted support services directory. Integrate Support Hub for a hassle-free and streamlined way to support both your agents and customers as a holistic part of your employee and customers wellbeing strategies.
NSN is a not-for-profit initiative with clients across public, private and third sectors. Learn more at
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