Job vacancies

If you would like a job posted please contact us below with full details and a suitable logo - don't forget contact information for applicants to apply and relevant close date for the role.

"As we’ve recognised along with other organisations is that there is a lot of vacancies within the market now making it really challenging to recruit into our planning team. We still really struggled to get applicants with the relevant skills. We shared the roles we currently had available to The Forum jobs page, and we saw a massive spike in applicants." Alix Corden, Scheduling Manager, VitalityHealth

How to unlock value in moving to the cloud

In such a complex technology marketplace, how do we make the right strategic choices? Nigel Medforth uncovers how to set yourself up for success with a customer and user-led IT project, and not the other way around.

Data & AI: game-changing opportunities?

Emerging technologies use data in new ways and many benefits flow from this. We can tap into new sources of insight. Automation can transform how we plan resources. So what are the opportunities? And how do we release this potential?

Interactive Keynote: AI & Machine Learning

Originally broadcast Wednesday 11th October, 14:30

In this keynote we will be hearing from David Bruce and Alfy Reid from NEA Consulting to explore recent developments in AI, how it's being applied, the risks to consider and what the future might look like.

Interactive Keynote: Uniphore

Originally broadcast Wednesday 11th October, 13:30

Generative AI - Your trusted co-pilot for transformative customer and employee experiences.

Interactive Keynote: Davies

Originally broadcast Monday 9th October, 12:30

Generative AI and the Contact Centre Experience
Join Mark Odlin from Davies as he delves into the transformative power of generative AI in the modern contact centre.

Keynote: The Value of Community

In this opening keynote, The Forum team members will discuss the importance of community.

Originally broadcast Monday 9th October, 09:30

In this opening keynote, The Forum team members will discuss the importance of community. They will provide practical advice to help you expand your connections within and beyond your organisation.

Technology Showcase - NICE

Forecasting and AI working together to drive Accuracy.

Originally broadcast Tuesday 16th May 2023, 13:15

Forecasting and AI working together to drive Accuracy. Join Colin and Graeme from NICE as they will  be demonstrating the role of data and AI in the forecasting process, and how it drives improved accuracy.

Technology Showcase: QStory

Powering Game Changing Contact Centres. QStory will be showing you how to use next level automation to supercharge agent engagement and unlock maximum performance.

Originally broadcast Monday 15th May 2023, 13:15

Powering Game Changing Contact Centres. QStory will be showing you how to use next level automation to supercharge agent engagement and unlock maximum performance.  

Keynote: Strength in Numbers

Hear from The Forum team on this year's theme - Strength in Numbers, The Value of Community and what this personally means to them.

Originally broadcast Monday 15th May 2023, 09:30

Hear from The Forum team on this year's theme - Strength in Numbers, The Value of Community and what this personally means to them. This thought provoking session will frame the week of learning that will be available through the rest of the Virtual Conference and challenge you to own your learning.

Strength in numbers the value of community

We build strength when we focus on how we collaborate and who we do this with. When we bring together trusted data, analysis and insight alongside a group of people with a collective desire to improve, we can achieve greatness.

Partner Article: How to set the right service level goal in your call center

What is your contact center service level goal? Odds are, some or all of the groups are at either 80/20, 70/30 or some combination of those. They are extremely common. Do you use average speed of answer (ASA)? If so, is it 20 seconds or 30 seconds? Those are by far the most utilized ASAs. But what do these actually mean and how do you know if you have the right measure?

Partner Article: Majority of UK businesses still ill-equipped for a hybrid working future according to new survey

UK businesses are firmly committed to a flexible working future but the majority are still in the planning stage of their hybrid working projects according to a new industry survey of contact centre industry professionals.
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If you would like to post a job listing please contact either
The Forum – Jobs
t: 0333 123 5960

Dave Vernon - Director
t: 07956 497 800