Job vacancies

If you would like a job posted please contact us below with full details and a suitable logo - don't forget contact information for applicants to apply and relevant close date for the role.

"As we’ve recognised along with other organisations is that there is a lot of vacancies within the market now making it really challenging to recruit into our planning team. We still really struggled to get applicants with the relevant skills. We shared the roles we currently had available to The Forum jobs page, and we saw a massive spike in applicants." Alix Corden, Scheduling Manager, VitalityHealth

Intro to Advanced Vol & Flex Balancing Mathematics

Understand the benefits of taking a more in-depth view into the volatility of your supply and demand, and flexibility requirements.
 - Understand the value of further analysis.
 - Learn analysis techniques to measure variance
 - Translate this into a practical output for flexibility

Measure of Success in Capacity Planning

Understand how to create the right measures to track and develop your Capacity Planning. Learn how to create the right process, aligned to your strategy and how to take a holistic view when setting measures of success. Learning outcomes include:
 - What does good look like? Explore the key characteristics of an ideal capacity plan and key considerations to develop understanding and learning.
 - Define your purpose. Understand how capacity planning can support your business strategy and impact it can have on customers and colleagues.
 - Creating the right measures. Understand different perspectives and develop a holistic framework of success measures.

Introduction to Capacity Planning

Learn how Capacity planning is a fundamental part of the Planning Cycle, how modelling Capacity influences budget decisions and supports the implementation of strategy by linking commercial plans to resourcing. Learning outcomes include:                    
 - Types of Capacity. Further your understanding in the types of capacity and how they can used as powerful tools in managing expectations and driving decision.
 - Assumptions. Explore the assumptions you should be including in your capacity plan, understand how to calculate variables and use them to improve utilisation of existing capacity and improve effectiveness. 
 - Process. Understand the key principles of Governance and Operating Rhythm.

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If you would like to post a job listing please contact either
The Forum – Jobs
t: 0333 123 5960

Dave Vernon - Director
t: 07956 497 800