Job vacancies

If you would like a job posted please contact us below with full details and a suitable logo - don't forget contact information for applicants to apply and relevant close date for the role.

"As we’ve recognised along with other organisations is that there is a lot of vacancies within the market now making it really challenging to recruit into our planning team. We still really struggled to get applicants with the relevant skills. We shared the roles we currently had available to The Forum jobs page, and we saw a massive spike in applicants." Alix Corden, Scheduling Manager, VitalityHealth

The modern contact centre has arrived

Make sure your agents don’t get left behind

Partnership Perfection: Hear from our associate heroes

Originally broadcast Thursday 4th July, 13:15

Join our Associate Heroes as they share their key ingredients for the perfect partnership

Best Practice Partnerships: Hear from the judges

Originally broadcast Wednesday 3rd July, 10:30

In this session our Partnership Awards Judges will share their highlights from this year's finalists stories. Sharing what has inspired them, and the learning that they have taken from the process

Innovation Winners: Indeed & OVO Energy

Originally broadcast Tuesday 2nd July, 10:30

Learn from overall Innovation of the Year winners, indeed on Leading Global Transformation and OVO Energy talking about their Service Transformation.

Opening Keynote: How to Learn

Originally broadcast Tuesday 2nd July 09:30

How you can use this week to learn from our members. 

Beware of Bias

Bias influences every decision we make, every piece of analysis we do and every conversation we have. And if you are reading this and thinking “not me” then this is an example of the objectivity illusion. This is a tendency for people to believe that they are more objective and less biased than others. 

Partner Article: Calabrio Introduces AI-Driven Bot Analytics to Enhance Quality Management

Calabrio, the workforce performance company, announced its new suite of Bot Analytics tools for Quality Management (QM). Bot Analytics gives contact centres more performance data and insights to streamline and enhance the user experience.  

Calabrio’s Bot Analytics helps monitor and improve the performance and quality of chatbots and voicebots; organising all transcript conversations into topics, simplifying the review process, and making it easier to address issues efficiently.  

Endnote: Shaping the future: supporting your best next actions

Originally broadcast on Friday 17th May, 12:30.

Rounding off the virtual conference and first stage of this year's best practice programme with inspiration, ideas and clear next steps. This endnote will support your learning, and give you takeaway ideas on how to turn this into an action plan. 

Opening Keynote: Shaping the Future

Originally broadcast Monday 13th May, 09:30

How can we prepare ourselves for whatever happens? How can we think forward and be confident with our best next decisions?

Hear from The Forum’s team of Specialists as they each share their inspiration thoughts on how to Shape the Future.

The power of effective communication

Why do some people, teams and organisations continually struggle with communication? Yet, many global organisations excel in cross-functional collaboration and engagement?

Shaping the Future

Learning from across the industry helps us to know the fundamentals and brilliant basics, recognise good to best practice and showcase excellence and pioneering new ways. This collaborative way of working helps us to understand all types of challenges, from enduring problems, current and emerging trends to unique and outlying issues and priorities. This isn’t about industry averages and validating old ways of thinking. This is about stretching our thinking, learning and doing something differently.

Verint & Vitality Health

2024 Partnership Awards

This collaborative and professional partnership has revolutionised back office operations and enhanced customer experiences at Vitality Health. The deployment of Verint Operational Manager has given visibility, streamlined processes, improved data analytics, and facilitated better demand planning. The outcome was not only a substantial increase in operational efficiency but also a significant reduction in customer complaint resolution times, reduced from two months to 72 hours. A strong sense of professionalism and a governance framework has been key to delivering and demonstrating the success of this implementation.
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If you would like to post a job listing please contact either
The Forum – Jobs
t: 0333 123 5960

Dave Vernon - Director
t: 07956 497 800