Job vacancies

If you would like a job posted please contact us below with full details and a suitable logo - don't forget contact information for applicants to apply and relevant close date for the role.

"As we’ve recognised along with other organisations is that there is a lot of vacancies within the market now making it really challenging to recruit into our planning team. We still really struggled to get applicants with the relevant skills. We shared the roles we currently had available to The Forum jobs page, and we saw a massive spike in applicants." Alix Corden, Scheduling Manager, VitalityHealth

Partner Article: Calabrio integrates its software with Avaya Experience Platform Public Cloud

Calabrio has announced that it has integrated another solution with Avaya as part of its longstanding relationship with the leader in customer experience and communications solutions. This one sees the award-winning Calabrio Workforce Management (WFM) solution integrate with Avaya Experience Platform™ (AXP) Public Cloud in a milestone collaboration that will revolutionise the landscape for contact centres looking to innovate and modernise in the cloud. 

Calabrio Launches FedRAMP Authorised Offering, Calabrio GovSuite

The cloud contact centre solution is Modern Workforce Performance Suite for Optimised Government Customer Service

Sensée launches Surge emergency response service

Work-from-home CX specialist Sensée has launched an emergency response service for organisations needing extra trained personnel at short notice to manage spikes in customer contact.

Partner Article: Calabrio Acquires AI and Bot Analytics Company Wysdom to Revolutionise the Customer Experience

Minneapolis, MN — January 9— Calabrio, today announced their acquisition of Wysdom, the leading experts in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and virtual agent performance solutions. This acquisition will accelerate Calabrio’s strategy to help customers leverage AI and ML (Machine Learning) to maximise agent engagement, productivity, and ROI (Return on Investment). Wysdom, based out of Toronto, Canada, was founded in 2012 and has been a pioneer in developing software and services to help customers optimise the performance of their virtual agents. 

Partner Article: From AI theory to practice: Insights from customer service

By Paul Milloy, Business Consultant at Intradiem

Partner Article: Rethinking hybrid work: Why we need an individualised approach for the long run

Matt Rumins, European Head of Customer Success at Intradiem

The best of both worlds. A terrific blend of the benefits of being in the office and working from home. The future of work.  

That’s what hybrid work was supposed to be. What it has actually turned out to be is a juggling act of multiple workplaces and no particular place to hang your hat. Working hybrid means constantly dealing with poor in-person office work conditions, frustrating commutes and a tax on workers’ mental health, among other concerns.  

Partner Article: EvaluAgent Raises $20 Million to Fuel Continued Growth and Global Expansion in Contact Center Quality Assurance & Workforce Engagement

Series A Round from PeakSpan Capital Will Fund Investments in Quality Assurance & Agent Improvement Platform Capabilities to Serve Contact Centers of All Sizes

The behavioural science of turning insights to action

How do we translate data into action? The Sabio team explore ways to generate actionable insight and embed new behaviours in our operations.

Partner Article: The Contact Company Selects Calabrio WFM to Power BPO Operations

Calabrio, the workforce performance company, has announced that business process outsourcer (BPO) The Contact Company (TCC) has selected Calabrio ONE software to support the company’s ambitious growth plans. TCC plans to implement a broad range of Calabrio’s automated, data-driven solutions to support the contact centre complexity of its growing client base and hybrid-working in a multi-channel customer service environment. 

Partner Article: The Forum Webinar Operational Excellence Write Up

At a recent Strategy & Leadership discussion by The Forum, we focused on the theme “Strength in Numbers”, highlighting the crucial role of community and relationships in successfully navigating uncertainty - of which there has been an abundance of in recent times.

Partner Article: Business Systems brings ForeSight Voice Mining to the UK market to unlock real time, actionable insights from voice communications

Business Systems signs a channel partner agreement with NTT TechnoCross Corporation, offering organisations the ability to unlock real time, actionable insights from their voice communications.  

Partner Article: Attrition in the Contact Center: Trends in Combatting Employee Turnover

A new hire leaves after 25 days on the job – or never shows up for their first day. Or perhaps an employee with five years at the company submits their resignation, taking their experience and knowledge with them. Whatever the scenario, attrition comes with high costs to teams and the enterprise. Download Centrical's Ebook to read their top tips on attrition.
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t: 0333 123 5960

Dave Vernon - Director
t: 07956 497 800