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"As we’ve recognised along with other organisations is that there is a lot of vacancies within the market now making it really challenging to recruit into our planning team. We still really struggled to get applicants with the relevant skills. We shared the roles we currently had available to The Forum jobs page, and we saw a massive spike in applicants." Alix Corden, Scheduling Manager, VitalityHealth

Excel for Analysts Assisted Learning Pathway

w/c 25th November 2024, Virtual Learning

While we may now use a range of different reporting and analysis tools, excel remains a key tool for many analysts. Even if we don’t use it for our regular reporting, we may well use it to test out new ideas or when we need answers quickly. Some talented analysts can struggle with excel and even experienced users may only use a small part of the functionality. Excel skills can be easily learned and allow us to make a real difference in our analysis. Not only improving and even automating our reporting but building a foundation ok knowledge and skills we can apply to other systems.

Through the assisted learning pathway we will explore:
 - Key techniques and formulae
 - How to automate your excel reporting
 - Fundamental insight techniques to ensure your analysis makes a difference.

Excel for Analysts Assisted Learning Pathway

w/c 9th September 2024, Virtual Learning

While we may now use a range of different reporting and analysis tools, excel remains a key tool for many analysts. Even if we don’t use it for our regular reporting, we may well use it to test out new ideas or when we need answers quickly. Some talented analysts can struggle with excel and even experienced users may only use a small part of the functionality. Excel skills can be easily learned and allow us to make a real difference in our analysis. Not only improving and even automating our reporting but building a foundation ok knowledge and skills we can apply to other systems.

Through the assisted learning pathway we will explore:
 - Key techniques and formulae
 - How to automate your excel reporting
 - Fundamental insight techniques to ensure your analysis makes a difference.

Excel for Analysts Assisted Learning Pathway

w/c 20th May 2024, Virtual Learning

While we may now use a range of different reporting and analysis tools, excel remains a key tool for many analysts. Even if we don’t use it for our regular reporting, we may well use it to test out new ideas or when we need answers quickly. Some talented analysts can struggle with excel and even experienced users may only use a small part of the functionality. Excel skills can be easily learned and allow us to make a real difference in our analysis. Not only improving and even automating our reporting but building a foundation ok knowledge and skills we can apply to other systems.

Through the assisted learning pathway we will explore:
 - Key techniques and formulae
 - How to automate your excel reporting
 - Fundamental insight techniques to ensure your analysis makes a difference.

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If you would like to post a job listing please contact either
The Forum – Jobs
t: 0333 123 5960

Dave Vernon - Director
t: 07956 497 800