2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Best Practice Guides

Take a look at our full range of Best Practice Guides - outstanding books that bring together highlights from our extensive online member library of best practice materials. Designed not only to inspire, but also to identify practical insight and provide toolkits and hot tips, we intend our resources to help you to raise standards across the industry. Packed with case studies, research, thought leadership and supplier listings, this is the year-round resource that contains the jewels of the year’s best practice.
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2025 Best Practice Guide - Raising Standards

To mark our 25-year anniversary we will be doing something different by expanding the Best Practice Guide with different editions throughout the year. This first digital edition was launched alongside our Best Practice Programme in January 25. The second edition will include additional articles before being printed in time for our Customer Strategy & Planning conference on 29th April 25. The third edition will include the case studies from The Forum Awards, with all Innovation & Transformation, Partnerships and Best Practice finalists in time for our Best Practice Showcase in June 25. We have yet to decide if there will be a fourth edition in 2025, or if we will just start the creation of the 2026 Best practice Guide. What is important is that we continue to provide this valuable resource for our community of best practice and demonstrate how we are moving forward.