2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

2022 Customer Strategy & Planning

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Measures of Success for MI and Insight

Measures of Success for MI and Insight

Understand how to create the right measures to track and develop your MI and Insight efforts. Learn how to create the right process, aligned to your strategy and how to take a holistic view when setting measures of success. Learning outcomes include:
 - What does good look like?  Explore the key characteristics of an ideal real time function and key considerations to develop understanding and learning.
 - Define your purpose. Understand how real-time planning can support your business strategy and impact it can have on customers and colleagues.
 - Creating the right measures. Understand different perspectives and develop a holistic framework of success measures.

Measures of Success: Balanced Scorecards

Measures of Success: Balanced Scorecards

Understand how to create the right measures to track and develop your real time effectiveness. Learn how to create the right process, aligned to your strategy and how to take a holistic view when setting measures of success.  Learning outcomes include:
 - What does good look like? Explore the key characteristics of an ideal real time function and key considerations to develop understanding and learning
 - Define your purpose. Understand how real-time planning can support your business strategy and impact it can have on customers and colleagues
 - Creating the right measures. Understand different perspectives and develop a holistic framework of success measures

Gathering Qualitative Feedback

Gathering Qualitative Feedback

Hear about different methods for collecting information along with the pitfalls to avoid. Learn how to engage with your stakeholder to gather feedback and information to improve your planning.

- Understand different methods for gathering feedback
- Improve your questioning skills and start to gather honest usable feedback
- Learn how to gather feedback that make you feel good

Understanding & Managing Sample Bias

Understanding & Managing Sample Bias

 - How to Identify Sample Bias & ensure you reduce the likelihood of bias
 - The impact on your data and insight validity from Sample Bias and the potential impact to your business
 - Common Sample Bias issues to look out for

Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis is a core skill for analysts and forecasters but is something that few of us do well.  If we want to predict or shape the future it is vital that we understand the past. In this webinar we will explore:

- Why do we need root cause analysis
- How do we ensure we are asking the right questions
- Common Mistakes
- Use of technology to support root cause analysis

The Strategy Pyramid

The Strategy Pyramid

Before setting targets and goals it is important that these are aligned to strategies that support your organisational goals. In this module;
 - Understand your organisational goals
 - See how to balance your strategies
 - Learn how to align the right metrics and targets to your strategies

Target Typology

Target Typology

How do you avoid your targets being misunderstood, misinterpreted and misused. In this module;
 - Learn the different target types
 - Understand tolerances & triggers
 - Avoid common mistakes

Data Dictionaries

Data Dictionaries

Clear documentation and structure can help us remove single points of failure, avoid arguments, ensure a single version of the truth and avoid duplicated work. In this module;
 - See how to create a data dictionary to ensure a single version of the truth
 - Learn techniques to ensure metrics are used to drive the right behaviours
 - Facilitate exception based reporting with agreed triggers



Benchmarking is important in understanding best practice, comparing ourselves with our competitors and becoming the best, but there are many pitfalls to avoid. In this module;
 - Hear the value of benchmarking
 - Learn how to avoid the common mistakes
 - Hear our top tips for benchmarking

Descriptive Statistics - Part 2

Descriptive Statistics - Part 2

Following on from Descriptive Statistics Part 1. In this module we look at applying these techniques to real life scenarios, you will receive exercises to complete before we talk you through the solutions.

Identifying Opportunities from Patterns & Exceptions

Identifying Opportunities from Patterns & Exceptions

To innovate and be the best that we can we need to identify and exploit the best opportunities not just to improve but also to learn.

In this module we explore,
 - How to find the right opportunities
 - Creating time to learn and improve
 - Striking the right balance between proactive & reactive insight

An Introduction to Accuracy & Confidence

An Introduction to Accuracy & Confidence

Description: Understand the key statistical considerations that will ensure your conclusions are well founded and can drive confidence. The separate Statistical Confidence box set is an opportunity to drive this further.
Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the Box Set How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Prioritising Opportunities for Improvement

Prioritising Opportunities for Improvement

Description: Explore how to focus on the right issues, how to create time to learn and how to balance proactive and reactive work, as analysts. 
: This is a new module intended as part of the Box Set How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Problem Statements & Hypotheses

Problem Statements & Hypotheses

Description: Using problem statements to generate fruitful hypotheses. Explore how to focus in the right way, becoming clear about the questions and problems you need to address.

Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the introduction to the Box set; How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

The Scientific Method and the Improvement Cycle

The Scientific Method and the Improvement Cycle

Description: Using the Scientific method to drive improvement. In this module we link the scientific method to the three phases of improvement, and get you started on the next of the practical exercises.
: This is a new module intended as part of the Box Set How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method

Description: The Scientific Method: become a trusted source of information. Understand how to create an operating rhythm for analysis, which builds trust and confidence in your conclusions. This includes the first of our exercises to help you identify gaps and opportunity in your current approaches.
Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the Box Set How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Shaping the Future the 4 Stages of Insight

Shaping the Future the 4 Stages of Insight

Description: Shaping the future: the 4 stages of insight. Learn how to move from hindsight to foresight and help prepare our organisations for whatever happens in a fast-changing world.
Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the introduction to the Box set; How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Analysts as Improvement Champions

Analysts as Improvement Champions

Description: The role of analysts as improvement champions. Explore the three phases of improvement and identify how you can make the most difference.
Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the introduction to the Box set; How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Adding Value as Insight Analysts

Adding Value as Insight Analysts

Description: How do we add value as insight analysts? Focus on how you can enable better decisions and generate measurable improvement. What are the key factors that set you up for success?  
Notes: This is a new module intended as part of the introduction to the Box set; How to Drive Improvement with Data & Insight but can also be an independent module

Data Visualisation

Data Visualisation

Explore effective ways of presenting data in a meaningful, interesting and engaging way. Improve the way you inform and persuade your key stakeholders.  
 - Understand why your existing reports don’t excite or engage your stakeholders
 - Learn the basics of data visualisation and how to communicate information
 - Apply “2 key questions” and start the use the tools and resource you need 

Layouts & Structure

Layouts & Structure

Whether we are producing dashboards, reports or presentations layout and format is key to landing your message. Learn how to make it easy for the audience to follow your story, draw their focus to what really matters and avoid unnecessary distractions.

The Pyramid Principle for Effective Communication

The Pyramid Principle for Effective Communication

Like us our stakeholders have limited time, we rarely read every emails and report we receive end to end, and neither do they. We may have just a few seconds to land our message and get our audience to take action or read on. The pyramid principle is a simple technique to help you structure your communications and reports to quickly answer the “So what?” and land your core message.

Emotional Engagement & The Power of Stories

Emotional Engagement & The Power of Stories

Often facts and data will not get our message across. We need to understand our audience and use emotional engagement techniques to bring our insight to life. In this module we explore some simple emotional engagement techniques to make your communications, presentations and reports more meaningful. We also explore the power of stories in understanding our stakeholders and overcoming their fears and doubts.

The Pattern of Great Presentations

The Pattern of Great Presentations

In this module we look at how techniques from great speakers through history can be used to bring your presentations to live and bring your audience on your journey.

Dealing with Ad hoc Requests

Dealing with Ad hoc Requests

Not all ad hoc requests are time-stealers!  Some of them add value and insight and quickly become BAU work.  This session looks at the art behind identifying what is urgent and valuable and what isn’t.
 - Understand the inevitability of Ad Hoc requests
 - Learn how to prioritise requests and eliminate waste
 - See how asking the right questions enables you to quickly understand the driver behind the request

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics
In this module we be exploring the Descriptive Statistics tool in excel. We will cover:

 - How to use descriptive statistic
 - How to use the output to better understand your data
 - Alternative ways of calculating