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Box Set: Power Query - Automating with Excel

Published on 05 August 2021

Box Set: Power Query - Automating with Excel

Watch at your own Pace

As analysts we can spend a lot of our time on repetitive tasks. Copying and pasting data from one file to another, cleaning and combining our data to produce regular reports. This is not only tedious and time consuming but it also can lead to errors.

Automating this work can free up our time to do more rewarding work and deliver extra value.

There are many systems out there that allow us to automate, but what if we don't have these. We can still do a great deal of automation using the power query functionality in excel.

In this box set we will cover    

  • Data Structure
  • Importing Data
  • Cleaning Data
  • Appending Data
  • Automating Formulae
  • Combining Data

The learning is in bite sized chunks that you can watch and we watch at your own speed. With practical exercises you can complete as you go.
Then become an accredited by sharing how you have applied this learning in your own role.

To find out more and see if you have a compatible version of excel, watch the introduction video below.

The cost of this mini series including accreditation is great value at £325 + VAT and free for students on our assisted learning pathway.

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Categories: Box Sets

