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Box Set: Knowledge Management

Published on 07 July 2021

Box Set: Knowledge Management

Watch at your own Pace

Knowledge and Content Management is growing in importance within our industry. It is key to helping both internal colleagues and external customers. These videos offer practical knowledge and examples for specialist knowledge management teams, as well as key tips and guidelines for analysts, planners or managers looking to understand more, or curate knowledge in their own area of specialism.  

Watch this series at your own pace, taking time to go back and review. You can pause at key points, to give time for reflection. As you complete each module write down a few bullets about what you found most interesting and how this could apply in your work. Then, at the end, get your manager to sign off that you have been applying learning and email us to gain your Professional Accreditation Certificate as a Foundation Professional. 


Knowledge Management (1) Introducing Knowledge Management 
In this first module of our series, three short videos set out the key things you need to understand to get started. 
1a) Knowledge and Content Management (15 mins) Information is knowledge when we use and apply it and this first video explains key ideas and explores what to focus on first. We discuss the key capabilities required, the benefits you can expect and the opportunities that open up by adopting appropriate technology.  

1b) How do we communicate information and gain end user buy-in? (24 mins) Explore how we consider the end user, so our content works for different types of people and learning styles. We explore the distinction between content management and knowledge management and how end user buy-in is achieved by including people in the feedback and improvement loop. 

1c) Why should this matter to analysts, planners and managers? (25 mins) In this video from our conference workshop, our experts share practical examples and top tips that demonstrate the need for new approaches to knowledge and information in all areas of the business. 

Knowledge Management (2) The Content Lifecycle (30 mins)
This second module in our series discusses the key issues of content design and the content lifecycle. It follows the introductory module that sets out the scope, purpose and value of knowledge Management within customer operations. Here we explore

  • Planning, designing, publishing and reviewing your content 
  • How to create content that is simple yet impactful 

Knowledge Management (3) Data and Improvement 
How do we know if our knowledge management is fit for purpose? Is it delivering the value it needs to? In this 3rd module of our series we will follow through a case study to explore;

  • Explaining the why and overcoming resistance to change  
  • User stories and the power of user engagement 
  • How to ensure our content is fit for purpose 
  • Measuring the success and impact of our content 

Knowledge Management (4):  Building the team and gaining buy-in 
What are the knowledge and capabilities we need in our knowledge team? This module will be available in August 2021, exploring:-

  • What are the key roles and potential structures or governance? 
  • How do we find and develop the right people? 
  • How do we build operational buy-in? 
  • What are our measures of success? What benefits we can expect? 
  • Building a roadmap for growing your contribution, as a team, within the business. 

Knowledge Management (5): Systems and investment
In this final module of our series, we explore the features of the appropriate technologies and the benefits we can expect from a well-resourced with the right systems. This module will be available in August 2021, exploring:-

  • The key features to look for in Knowledge Management Systems 
  • The capabilities required to exploit these features the benefits this can derive 
  • How to create a business case, identifying cost, value and Return on Investment 

Learning from Best Practice 

These final modules show how different members of our Knowledge Management Network Group have put these principles into practice in their own operations. Many thanks to the members who have shared their learning with us. Before you apply for your accreditation we expect you to have watched at least two of them. 

  • Capita (25 mins) Andy Johnson demonstrates how they use Verint’s system to power their knowledge management for private sector clients  
  • Open University (39 mins) Liz Vosper, Knowledge Manager of the Year 2021, shows how she approached a thorough content audit and makes the case for investment in a better resourced knowledge management team. 
  • Legal & General (24 mins) Steph Williams shows how her team of knowledge management architects supports internal advisors, external customers and IFAs, using technology from Bold 360.  
  • Motability Operations (22 mins) Llaurah Hughes demonstrates how AskMo empowers advisors and what her award-wining Comms and Knowledge Management team do to make this work so well.  
  • Very Group (25 mins + Q&A) Gemma Curtis & Michelle Halewood demonstrate how the KEVIN system is driving better customer service in this retail operation, onshore and off-shore. 

The cost of this mini series including accreditation is great value at £325 + VAT and free for students on our assisted learning pathway.

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