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Free Webinar: The Looming Contact Centre Agent Experience Crisis: Understand, Avoid, and Ascend in partnership with eGain

Published on 26 January 2023

Free Webinar: The Looming Contact Centre Agent Experience Crisis: Understand, Avoid, and Ascend in partnership with eGain

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Event date: 26/01/2023 12:00 - 13:00 Export event

Agent experience (AX) and well-being are among the top priorities in contact centres, but did you know that they are in danger of slipping into a crisis because of the lack of modern knowledge tools in the agent desktop?
At this webinar, you will:
 - Learn from the horse's mouth (i.e., from agents themselves) what they are saying about their experience and how you can avoid the crisis with modern knowledge
 - Review the findings from a unique, agent-only survey, conducted by BenchmarkPortal, a leading contact centre benchmarking organisation
 - Learn what modern knowledge is and what it can do for AX (agent experience) and CX (customer experience). With Modern knowledge, you won't need to train agents endlessly on how to navigate customer conversations or have them read through voluminous documents and figure out an answer when the customer is on the line!

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