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Free Webinar: The Agents' Voice - hear what they have to say

Published on 22 October 2020

Free Webinar: The Agents' Voice - hear what they have to say

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Event date: 22/10/2020 12:00 - 13:00 Export event

Research findings that will surprise you

QStory will share with you recently conducted research with Contact Centre agents to understand what really drives them, why they move jobs, what makes them happy, what they think makes the customer happy and why they want to stay with their employer.

Join QStory's COO Fiona Coleman and Customer Success Manager, Tony D'Cruze are joined by Marcus Hickman from Davies Hickman and special guest Martin Teasdale.

By registering for this webinar you are agreeing with sharing your contact details with QStory.

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Author: Leanne McNamee

Categories: On-Demand Webinar Recording

