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Free Webinar: Sickness, Presenteeism and Shrinkage

Published on 22 September 2022

Free Webinar: Sickness, Presenteeism and Shrinkage

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Event date: 22/09/2022 12:00 - 13:00 Export event

Wouldn’t it be great if we all understood Shrinkage! The 3A’s of Absence, Attrition and Annual Leave will remain problems until we truly understand these and learn how be manage and plan more effectively. In addition, we now have Presenteeism to add another layer of complexity. Fortunately, this webinar will:
 - Explain and define these commonly used terms to gain a shared understanding
 - Introduce the Shrinkage Wheel to effectively benchmark and deepen understanding
 - Become more confident in setting and describing these key assumptions
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